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Portable history piece after the big economy change

ledgeri [HUN]

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Suggestion Name: ODO transportation after the economy change
Suggestion Description:Let the players write them profile ODO into the new PM profile, manually or somehow automaticly.
Any example images: Nope
Why should it be added?: I like the MP more than the SP, so i did most part of my ODO in multiplayer (just the "musthave-quickjob"-time + some exploring came from the SP). My progress-meter was only the map exploring, my money, truck ODO, and profile ODO.  I will not be able to keep my money, ok. Because of "the restart" i will need to buy a new truck, and i think the map will go, ok. But i drove over 100.000 KM virtually, with my friends, and sometimes with my enemies, so let me keep that, and only that count in progress.


I know someone will push big numbers to fill that gap, if that was avaible, but who really loves this game, that will put there the truth... so, please!

ledgeri.png/@ twitch ( Where i am streaming my every MULTI MOMENT!)             EU #2

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