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Hot Topic #53: TruckersMP 10 Year Anniversary


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  • Senior Community Manager

Greetings TruckersMP Community!


TruckersMP is celebrating their ten year anniversary!


This is an incredible milestone for us, which is why we have been and are unpacking some special events and activities for the community, such as:


  • TruckersMP 10 Delivery Event
  • TruckersMP 10 Festival
  • TruckersMP 10 - ATS Convoy
  • TruckersMP 10 - ETS2 Convoy
  • TruckersMP 10 - Feeroam [No Road Rules] Server
  • TruckersMP 10 T-Shirt
  • ...and much more!


This Hot Topic is to gather your feedback so that we can have an even better anniversary next year, and improve the project overall! Please make sure that your replies are constructive rather than one word responses such as ''Wow'' etc.


When posting your response, please make sure it follows our forum rules


Read more about our TMP10 Celebrations here.

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  • HaulieLove 1
  • Awesome! 5


Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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Everything was near perfect some complaints were as followed. This is some opinion from me and my VTC combined.


1) Cargoes can be more to be delivered in the delivery event. This time there were only 2 and at a point it became boring to travel the same road again and again.

2) The convoys held were too slow specially the ATS one. I understand there are tonnes of challenges but hopefully roads may be blocked by barriers rather team member standing there. this is only for some intersections only however most of the intersections should contain the team members.


if these issues get solved a more better expirience may be provided to users.

  • Thanks 1


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I really liked the special events and without forgetting the special gifts for patreon were really nice, I know that your job is not easy, I think that representing and managing a community is a serious job and in this context, I think that the work of the whole team, including the community management team, the game management team, as well as the support management and other teams that I cannot count, including the top management, is admirable and I congratulate the whole team for their hard work :HaulieLove:🎉:tmp:



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I'm still hoping for more routes to complete the mission rather than one. The routes may be boring, but there's no denying the event was a success!

  • More gifts to give to active members.
  • There is also the ETS2 event where TMP team members should have something to do, it's not just about keeping order on the floor, it's not about just standing there. Watching the event go on.
  • There are also special driving programs like Real Action to make the event seem challenging .
  • For example, personal achievement is no longer just a label. I prefer it to look more meaningful!

This is just my personal advice and no offense to the staff. Thanks.

  • Thanks 1

Stay safe!



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Good evening @Vicc,
How are you?

Regarding the delivery event, as many have already mentioned here, I think there should be alternative roads, or even other locations for delivery, because after 10x always going to the same road, it can be boring and disinteresting for some.

With regard to the convoys, whether ATS or ETS, I was unable to attend due to my service at the fire station.

But to sum up, in my opinion, I really enjoyed the initiatives created by the entire TruckersMP and TruckersFM team.

Good KMs to all! ❤️ 

  • Thanks 1




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  • Senior Community Manager
On 4/29/2024 at 4:35 PM, InsanoDeath said:

Everything was near perfect some complaints were as followed. This is some opinion from me and my VTC combined.


1) Cargoes can be more to be delivered in the delivery event. This time there were only 2 and at a point it became boring to travel the same road again and again.

2) The convoys help were too slow specially the ATS one. I understand there are tonnes of challenges but hopefully roads may be blocked by barriers rather team member standing there. this is only for some intersections only however most of the intersections should contain the team members.


if these issues get solved a more better expirience may be provided to users.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! It is great to hear that you are finding TMP10 near perfect, and of course hope you will continue to enjoy the TMP10 celebrations!

  1. We totally get where you're coming from, and will see what we can do for future (anniversary) delivery events to have it more varied regarding cargo and roads.
  2.  Could you elaborate on your statement that the convoy help was too slow? We make use of a combination of for example barriers and team members for our convoy control management, depending on the need of a message to be posted in the in-game chat.
  • HaulieLove 2


Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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  • Senior Community Manager
On 4/29/2024 at 8:35 PM, Truckers / 3D said:


I'm still hoping for more routes to complete the mission rather than one. The routes may be boring, but there's no denying the event was a success!

  • More gifts to give to active members.
  • There is also the ETS2 event where TMP team members should have something to do, it's not just about keeping order on the floor, it's not about just standing there. Watching the event go on.
  • There are also special driving programs like Real Action to make the event seem challenging .
  • For example, personal achievement is no longer just a label. I prefer it to look more meaningful!

This is just my personal advice and no offense to the staff. Thanks.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! As I stated today here, we will take varied cargo as well as roads into consideration for future (anniversary) delivery events.

  • Could you elaborate on what kind of gifts you would like to see, and how we should deem a member of the community to be active? Currently, we reward the community through Profile Achievements, Profile Awards, and monetary rewards, such as a Steam Gift Card, for example for winning a contest. For fairness to our large playerbase, we offer this for the whole community rather then just ''active'' players.
  • That's true! We of course have had our Real Ops and Featured Zone Events where team members are in a more active rather than passive role, as opposed to normal convoys or the TMP10 Festival grounds. Am I right in understanding that you wish team members to have a more active role during our anniversaries, or with events in general?
  • See my comment above.
  • As I stated in my second point, we do indeed offer Profile Achievements as well as Profile Awards. We do this with delivery and other events in order to reward the community and create engagement. We do however hear your concern, and will discuss if and/or how we can make achievements/awards more meaningful.
  • HaulieLove 1


Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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  • Senior Community Manager
On 4/29/2024 at 10:03 PM, Agricultor [PT] said:

Good evening @Vicc,
How are you?

Regarding the delivery event, as many have already mentioned here, I think there should be alternative roads, or even other locations for delivery, because after 10x always going to the same road, it can be boring and disinteresting for some.

With regard to the convoys, whether ATS or ETS, I was unable to attend due to my service at the fire station.

But to sum up, in my opinion, I really enjoyed the initiatives created by the entire TruckersMP and TruckersFM team.

Good KMs to all! ❤️ 

Hey, good evening! I am doing well thanks, I hope you are well too 😀

I've just commented on that point, which you can find below. Thanks for the feedback, we really do appreciate it and aim to keep improving the project!

  • HaulieLove 1


Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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Guest Mason16

Well done and thanks to all the staff

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7 hours ago, Vicc said:

Hey, thanks for the feedback! It is great to hear that you are finding TMP10 near perfect, and of course hope you will continue to enjoy the TMP10 celebrations!

  1. We totally get where you're coming from, and will see what we can do for future (anniversary) delivery events to have it more varied regarding cargo and roads.
  2.  Could you elaborate on your statement that the convoy help was too slow? We make use of a combination of for example barriers and team members for our convoy control management, depending on the need of a message to be posted in the in-game chat.

2) there was a small letter mistake corrected that. it was not help it was held.


"The convoys held were too slow specially the ATS one. They were never above 50kmph. I understand there are tonnes of challenges but hopefully roads may be blocked by barriers rather team member standing there. this is only for some intersections only however most of the intersections should contain the team members."


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13 hours ago, Vicc said:


  • 您能详细说明一下您希望看到什么样的礼物,以及我们应该如何看待社区成员的活跃程度吗?目前,我们通过个人资料成就、个人资料奖励和金钱奖励(例如赢得比赛)来奖励社区,例如 Steam 礼品卡。为了公平对待我们庞大的玩家群,我们为整个社区提供此服务,而不仅仅是"活跃"玩家。
  • 这是真的!当然,我们也有真正的行动和特色区域活动,团队成员扮演的角色更积极而不是被动,而不是普通的车队或 TMP10 音乐节场地。我的理解是否正确,您希望团队成员在我们的周年纪念日或一般活动中发挥更积极的作用?
  • 请参阅我上面的评论。
  • 正如我在第二点中所说,我们确实提供个人资料成就和个人资料奖。我们通过交付和其他活动来做到这一点,以奖励社区并创造参与度。但是,我们确实会听到您的担忧,并将讨论我们是否和/或如何使成就/奖项更有意义。

Thank you very much for your reply. Maybe I said something wrong. Regarding gifts, I don't have much idea. For active members, I would like to have personalized tags. Yes, your understanding is very correct. For personal achievement awards and profile awards, it could actually be done better. For example, if someone finishes in the top 3 in a tournament, he gets a personalized tag color in-game. However, it should be noted that this is time-limited and can also be saved all the way to the top of the profile.

Stay safe!



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  • Senior Community Manager
13 hours ago, InsanoDeath said:

2) there was a small letter mistake corrected that. it was not help it was held.


"The convoys held were too slow specially the ATS one. They were never above 50kmph. I understand there are tonnes of challenges but hopefully roads may be blocked by barriers rather team member standing there. this is only for some intersections only however most of the intersections should contain the team members."

Hello again! Thank you for clarifying your statement 🙂 


We needed to stay at a sensible speed for the amount of players that were present at the convoy. As I stated before, we make use of a combination of for example barriers and team members for our convoy control management, depending on the need of a message to be posted in the in-game chat.

  • HaulieLove 1
  • True Story 1


Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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  • Senior Community Manager
6 hours ago, Truckers / 3D said:

Thank you very much for your reply. Maybe I said something wrong. Regarding gifts, I don't have much idea. For active members, I would like to have personalized tags. Yes, your understanding is very correct. For personal achievement awards and profile awards, it could actually be done better. For example, if someone finishes in the top 3 in a tournament, he gets a personalized tag color in-game. However, it should be noted that this is time-limited and can also be saved all the way to the top of the profile.


Hello again!

We will further internally discuss the gifts, not a problem at all, it is also our task to come up with such!


Regarding the achievements and awards, we would have to discuss whether that is possible from a technical perspective as well as if this is something we should do/is desirable. 


Thanks for all your input on this topic, we really do appreciate it and hope to improve the project further 😀

  • Thanks 2


Vicc | TruckersMP Senior Community Manager


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