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Greetings truckers, it’s time for some egg-citing news!

The TruckersMP yearly Easter Egg Hunt is back, and this time with some egg-cellent new additions that will be sure to scramble your heads.

Last year, the community came together to help Haulie track down the missing Easter eggs they ordered and we were egg-static to see they found all of them!

This year, we have heard some disturbing news from our partners instead - sneaky bunnies have been playing practical yolks, and trying to poach their eggs and whisk them away! Drivers have been absolutely terri-fryed, some even becoming shell-shocked, cracking under the stress and refusing to keep hauling!

Remember: this is no yolking matter! The situation is getting dire with the eggs running the risk of going rotten. So, we need your help to find and locate them, before these egg-o-maniac bunnies take them away! Do you think you’re cracked up to it?

The mission is simple! Our partners have informed us of the general area where the bunnies have been operating. The eggs are still located there and some of their missing trailers too! There are 6 eggs to be found: the violet, green, blue, yellow, orange and red eggs. Besides that, there are also three partner trailers that need to be found from ProMods, TruckersFM and DBus. Drivers will be with each of them, however some will be rolling around!

DLC Required: None!


How to play!

6 eggs and 3 partner trailers are stuck in Central Europe. Finding them is essential!

If you are one of the top three players to find all 6 eggs AND 1 partner trailer the fastest, you will win a special prize!

The eggs and partner trailers are represented by our Event team, with their player tag matching the colour of the egg they are hauling, e.g. 'Yellow Egg!', or a White coloured tag if they are hauling a partner trailer, e.g. ‘ProMods Trailer’

They will not appear on the tab menu nor the TruckersMP Map, so your only way to find them is by being vigilant, and looking out for them on your GPS!

Player Area Map

How does it work?

Launch TruckersMP, select Euro Truck Simulator 2 and connect to the Easter Egg Hunt 2024 server. Prepare for the start at 15:00 UTC Click here for more time zones. and be aware that player collisions will be disabled.

Meetup with your fellow egg-hunters in any city listed on the play area. Any company yard is fine. Leave your trailers in your garage, as you won't be needing them. Remember: speed is key!

You will have four hours, from 15:00 UTC - 19:00 UTC, to make your journey throughout Central Europe. The decision of which road to take is up to you. Garage travelling is permitted.

When you have found an egg or a partner trailer, toggle your tab menu ON. Then take a screenshot by pressing F12, to prove you found it. You must be able to see the egg or partner trailer, as well as your tab menu in order to fully complete the find.

When you have found all six eggs AND at least one partner trailer, you are eligible to submit your entry into the competition by completing our form.


Following your hard efforts hunting down the eggs, here’s what is up for grabs:

  • Winner (first to find all the eggs and submit) - €25 Steam Gift Card

  • 1st runner-up (second to find all the eggs and submit) - €15 Steam Gift Card

  • 2nd runner-up (third to find all the eggs and submit) - €10 Steam Gift Card

Digital gift cards will automatically convert to your local currency. Prize winners will be announced after the event.

In addition to this, all participants who successfully hunt all six eggs and one partner trailer, and submit a valid entry before the end of the event, will receive a special Profile Award!

Profile awards are very exclusive and a great way to show off your skills and participation - so don't miss out!

Submission Form

The form will open on the day of the event.

View the form here!


These will appear on the event day to egg you onto the right path!








Easter Egg Hunt Winners

Congratulations on winning a Steam Gift Card!

We hope you find all the eggs and partner trailers before the end of the event, and who knows - maybe you’ll be a lucky winner?

Happy hunting!

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  • Like 4
  • Haha 1
  • HaulieLove 3
  • Woah! 2
  • Awesome! 7

Good luck to all who play! 

  • Like 3
  • Thanks 2
  • HaulieThumbsUp 1








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