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Forum Display name

John [RO]




I'm trying to change my forum display name, but apparently i can only use a-z A-Z 0-9


I've already seen other people with other characters in their name (like DZ-Smith)


My question is : how can i use the hyphen to change my name to John-Doe or something similar ?

(are the current restrictions prevent me to use the hyphen ? )


Doing the Multiplayer Hardcore Challenge on the Europe #2 Server - Currently level 15

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Seems that the validation for the name chosen on initial account registration is less strict than that applied to the 'change display name' text field - that's the only reason I can think of that some users have indeed symbols like - and < in their names, but the change name option does not allow it.


This must surely be fix-able.. in the meantime it's possible that the support ticket team can do it manually for anyone requesting? Just a thought.

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