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Notification for known email domains typed incorrectly while signing up


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Suggestion Name: Notification for known email domains typed incorrectly while signing up
Suggestion Description: It's not that uncommon to mess up part of the sign-in process and misspell your password or e-mail, and then lose access to your account, unable to create a new one. Sure, the Support Team can help with this; but I think a little notification can be implemented in the website to alert users when they've likely misspelled something; and while that's virtually impossible for passwords, e-mail domains is something that can be checked (for example, typing @gmial.com instead of @gmail.com, or @hortmai.com instead of @hotmail.com, among many other examples). The user can then be alerted via a little popup next to the e-mail field, to double-check the domain and make sure they won't rush to that Register button only to regret it thirty seconds later.
Any example images: I could not find nor make any pictures of that specific step of registration.
Why should it be added?: I think just a simple check at the start can save unnecessary delays, especially to users who want to play.

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