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Allowance special transport trailers


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Suggestion Name: see title

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Yes I know the title isn't new and yes I know there have already been many suggestions for the special transport (ST) trailers. But mine is a bit different: 

Many moderators already mentioned due to some reasons (e.g. AI supporting cars) ST can't be done in MP. There are 3 ST trailers: the 2+4 lowloader, the 2+4 extended lowloader and the 3+7 ax lowbed.

The 2+4 lowloaders are already allowed (the TMP support told me I can use them) and you don't get kicked after attaching it to your truck (just the trailer, no cargo). The only trailer you get kicked due to the rules is the 3+7 lowbed. I'd like to get it allowed aswell.

Don't get me wrong, just the trailer, not the cargos. TMP staff can change the settings to get players kicked when using a ST cargo, like it was at the beginning when 1.39 started (where only the cargo counted as a kick).

The reason why I'm saying this is, that via save editing you can do "normal" jobs from the Heavy Cargo Pack with all 3 trailers and the cargos fit pretty well without interrupting anything.

Next point for the allowance is Rule no. 3: When you can't handle your trailer you'll be kicked or banned until you removed the trailer or mod. So in the end TMP staff stiil has the ability to say no to every player driving with these trailers.

Following by a decreasing number of players (as I've seen it the last days since the SCS MP release). On highways I can say from my pov I'm mostly alone, maybe 2 to 3 other players on average



Any example images: too big to upload 


Why should it be added?: Cause the lowloaders are already allowed (I've had almost no problems with other drivers, just some company exits were a littlebit narrow) and a little challenge (they even allow the loco to be transported due to the more axles, which the 4 ax extended is not capable of (only via save editing). If you're unsure my suggestion would work, why not make a 3 month trial or something like that to see if traffic is really worse than now or maybe not  even noticable.


Kind regards



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