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Found 5 results

  1. There are many fuel stations in ETS2. When you ever visited Duisburg in the Multiplayer you know how many players there are. This guide will show you how to enter the stations, where you can wait for fueling up and how to exit the station again without creating a traffic jam. There are three different types of stations. in this tutorial I only write about the small one because the others are not so important in the Multiplayer. Some important things before we start: Gas stations are not non-collision zone, if you can try to refuel at low traffic areas or at your garages! 1 - Where can I enter? This sounds easy but that is not right. Many users enter the fuel station wrong. It is important to enter correctly otherwise there will be a jam on the station. This are signs at every station which shows where to enter and where not: Here is a photo where you can see the station from the top: When you follow all the traffic rules there would not be that traffic jam like now. 2 - Where can I wait or park? When there is much traffic like in Duisburg you often have to wait before fueling up. But you have to park correctly otherwise there will be also a traffic jam. The green boxes are right parked trucks and the red boxes not. You can see that it is important that the street is clean of parked trucks. Make sure that you do not block the driveways and exits. 3 - Fuel up together It is also possible fuel up with two trucks at the same moment! But be careful when you want to exit. Remember that you have to park as right as possible. 4 - Where to exit? When you want to exit the station be sure that nobody is on the street and you can drive on the road without blocking other drivers. Remember the right direction to exit. Thank you for reading my tutorial. Please rate comment! Enjoy your day, Lasse
  2. Suggestion name: Belgium-France border fuel station rework Suggestion description: i believe the fuel station should be reworked Any example images: https://postimg.cc/7fxwSjh1 (click the link as it will take you to the screenshot) Why it should be added: each time i drive in the Calais-Duisburg road and I go through the Belgium France border there is a what seems to be a traffic jam. when someone needs to continue driving they would have to wait like 3 minutes before merging after the traffic has passed.
  3. Suggestion Name: More fueling points on large petrol/service stations Suggestion Description: At the moment there is only one fueling point per service station. Adding multiple fueling points on service stations can accommodate simultaneous trucks filling up. I believe there is a mod for adding more fuel points, I saw it really long time ago. Maybe you could create this mod if you cant find it on the internet... Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Avoiding a single point for refueling. Would greatly help convoy stops to fuel. Many more advantages obviously.
  4. Suggestion Name: fuel stations with no collision zones Suggestion Description: fuel stations featuring no collision Any example images: NOPE Why should it be added?: in order to prevent vehicle and cargo damages in fuel stations i suggested this
  5. Nazwa Sugestii: Dodanie nowych stref bezkolizyjnych na stacjach paliw w ETS2 i ATS oraz w punktach ważenia pojazdu w ATS Opis Sugestii: Aktualnie całe mapy posiadają strefę kolizyjną na terenie stacji paliw i w punktach ważenia pojazdów. Już nie raz mi się zdarzyło że ktoś się rozładowywał, tankować bądź ważył i musiałem czekać aż zakończy swoją czynność. Nieraz też miałem taką sytuację że ktoś jechał szybko i władował się we mnie albo wyhamował na ostatnią chwilę. Przykładowe obrazki: Nie posiadam. Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Pozwoliłoby to na bezpieczniejsze i szybsze tankowanie, dostarczanie paliwa na stację paliw oraz ważenie pojazdów.
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