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Found 6 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Flag(s) next to Name Suggestion Description: Well right now people use tags to say where they are from ([sWE], [GER], [uK] etc), why dont you add an option before you join the game where you can choose up to 2 flags to say where you are from (if you want to). This is available on TS3 and it should be available in-game as well. Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: It'd allow people to have normal names instead of having to change their Steam name to "[COUNTRY] Name". It would also look nice
  2. Question is in the title, how do I stop my account appearing in the "who's online" list?
  3. Suggestion Name: Instantly punish ramming cars Suggestion Description: If a car hits another one or a truck and causes damage to it, it should be either kicked for ramming or banned for 30 minutes. Any example images: nope Why should it be added?: The idiots who troll. Currently, the system is unbelievable. There are almost no mods online at any given time and cars can do whatever they want. This should be not added for trucks, as trolling with them is virtually impossible. Manuevering a car is way easier and they are a lot faster. Please add this. I cannot get from one city to another normally without damage because of these people. Christmas is upcoming and many convoys are coming, this should be #1 priority.
  4. Lowering the music volume doesnt stop the background music in ETS2, i preferable like to have a quiet BG sound I was late for my delivery because i wrote this fourm
  5. When I go sleep or teleport to service, game stopped and I can't do anything. Please help me with that problem
  6. Any have problems with trucks stopping dead in front when traveling. Is the synchronization problem with server and other player. This problem as happened a lot resulting in severe 80% damage to my truck. I keep a good distance from the other truck but its a pain in the neck Its happens on both Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer and American Truck Simulator Multiplayer. Can this be fixed.
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