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World Of Trucks


Found 10 results

  1. i have a speed limiter issue. i closed speed limiter in my settings and tab menu but when i take any trailer, speed auto limited 90km/h
  2. Hello I am all for TruckersMP making a simulation server, but why not have an arcade server which has collisions? Europe #2 was essentially that and was the most popular. This way all players get to play on the server they like, all rules still apply on this just not speed restricted (Or back to speed limit of 93mph or higher) If this is not in mind could we have a reason why? It seems strange you remove this style of play when Europe #1 was close to simulation already. This would not effect them at all
  3. Suggestion Name: Make an In-game purchase to remove 110km/h speed limit Suggestion Description:Let the players who really would like to drive faster than 110km/h without the intention of causing trouble spend some money on truckersmp to remove the speed limiter Any example images: no Why should it be added: Now i know what you would say, it is a simulation game, trucks are slow in real life etc etc, but please listen to what i want to say. In real life people drive slow because there's heavy traffic everywhere and road and traffic conditions are complex, you always need to stay alerted for traffic around you and some pedestrians jumping on the road. But on Simulation 1 server, most areas are pretty empty, and i get really annoyed driving 110km/h on an empty 6-lane highway in Germany. Though many players would love to drive slow in the game, there's also a great number of players who want to drive slightly faster than 110km/h. In real life i drive 130km/h on highways without punishment. Now i know you guys won't easily lift the speed limit because you don't want rammers causing trouble in the server, but you can make a function to let players pay some money to get their speed limit removed or increased. Of course , you can also make stricter rules for those players, if they do break rules going above 110km/h then give them harsher punishment. Since they spend some money on their account i'm sure they would value their accounts more and obey the rules more. And for truckersmp, there's money to be made and extra cash in your pockets. Honestly I sincerely appreciate you guys for making such a great mod without the intention of making profits, i would like to support you , and i definitely won't cause any trouble in the game, but i just want this speed limiter removed, or increased to 150km/h like the old days. So please, think about it. And sorry for my poor english.
  4. Hello, I need some help here: All my trucks are very slow. Sometimes I can't go faster than 90 km/h and some other times I can't go faster than 97 km/h, like if it was my speed limit. Only on a few times I can go faster than 97 km/h, but now my maximum speed seems like 120 km/h instead of the 150 km/h, what it should be on Europe 2. This occurs with all of my trucks: DAF, MAN, VOLVO, SCANIA, RENAULT. The "speed limit option" on menu is alredy unchecked. I've alredy tried to modify the "config" file on Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 (put uset g_use_speed_limiter "1" to uset g_use_speed_limiter "0") but nothing works. Even the "speed limit option" on ETS2MP is unchecked, but I'm still slow. (and I'm not talking about World Of Trucks loads, which speed limit is 90 km/h) It seems like on ETS2 Offline the problem doesn't occurs. Anyone can help me?
  5. Repo.

    Speed limit

    Hello i play on Europe 2 (ETS) and im turning the speed limiter OFF but it still gets activated even if i change my game files plz help me i hate to drive 80km/h Nevermind a guy in game helped me
  6. I just bought a brand new 600hp volvo on my legit account thinking it would be faster than my old beginner mercades but both of the trucks were limited to 56 mph! even though in single player the truck speed limiter is off and it will do 100mph in single player! on my non legit cheated account i have other trucks of which will do 93? Why are my legitly earned trucks limited please help
  7. Hi, I have a problem where the car is limited to like 48 km/h and only goes up when I press the shift key to adjust the shift up, trucks work fine and can go at the highest speed, it's only cars. If anyone knows how to fix this it would be helpful if you could tell me! Thanks,
  8. I like to have a speed limit but 90km/h sometimes is too slow and I want to increase it to something like 100/110km/h. is it possible? How?
  9. Hey , it would amuse me to become a police officer and to maintain order and the speed limit (lol) in the city. It takes something special to be? Because when I bought it they tell me I can not ..: / I think that would be something good to replace some radars that are not so much their work except once every 500 miles.
  10. Is it susposed to be like that, i was driving my truck with cargo more then 90 km/h , now after the update i cant even without cargo, its the same like the "truck speed limiter" option is turned on, but its off, thanks in advance.
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