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Found 7 results

  1. Hi everyone, I know this might be more suited for a support ticket, but I’d like to hear from other players. I think the main use of the Scout/Pilot car in TruckersMP is to escort trucks by leading or following a convoy. I understand the rules around this. But there's something else I am curious about it beside escorting. Can the Scout/Pilot car also be used to warn truckers about accidents, blockages, or dangers ahead and more situations? Can the Scout/Pilot car assist trucks with fuel stopping or managing traffic laws? Are there any specific roles it can play in keeping the convoy safe or moving smoothly? What should drivers avoid doing when using the Scout/Pilot car?
  2. Hello, I had an idea that a role could be added to TMP for people, such as myself who want to use the pilot cars properly to escort heavy/long loads, such as temporarily pulling onto opposing lanes or temporarily blocking roads for the lorry to turn etc. Of course to stop people abusing this you could host training sessions for people to gain the roll. I'm making this enquiry as I like escorting my friend when he does long or heavy loads and I'd like to be able to do this properly without being reported for blocking etc. Especially when we go down roads where a pilot car is very beneficial, such as tight roads. Kind regards, Vesper TruckersMP Driver
  3. Hallo truckersmp staff. Ik rijd sinds afgelopen tijd steeds vaker met de pilot car tussen duisburg en calais omdat het daar altijd zo druk is. Maar mag je als pilot car zeg maar achter de truck blijven staan wanneer die is gecrashed is tot diegene weer wegrijdt? Dit bedoel ik met de zwaailichten om mensen op te hoogte te brengen dat er wat aan de hand is. groetjes, Menno
  4. Am I allowed to escort my friend with a pilot car and turned on yellow light? Even if it's just one friend? And is it permissible for me, if he has taken a wrong turn and he would otherwise be mistakenly a ghost driver, to put me briefly in a lane, so that he can safely turn back? Although a lane would be blocked by me, but other drivers could overtake me on other lanes. That would clearly serve the safety of my friend, but also the other drivers, who would use different lanes and not get into him. If you have any questions please write back, I will gladly answer. Greetings, FgGras
  5. I got into ATS MP this afternoon, onto US1, in my pilot car, and I get two kick notices. The First, for my terrible internet, and the second, for being in the stupid car. Why has using the car been made grounds for being kicked? Who screwed up? Seriously? There are only two servers for ATS, And people actually use the thing for what it was intended. I was planning on doing that the day I posted this. I mean, I screw around in it, but I do it at the race track. If we could get a news post stating WHY, I'm pretty sure the community would appreciate it. We could at least have got a warning about it's impending ban.
  6. Suggestion Name: Editable Pilot Car Colours Suggestion Description: We should be able to edit the colours of the Pilot Car Reskin as it would allow VTCs to customise and personalise Pilot Cars for their convoys. Therefore, our Pilot Cars don't have to be Red and White. Any example images: None. Why should it be added?: VTC Convoys will be able to stand-out from other Convoys when using Pilot Cars.
  7. Suggestion Name: Pilot car on simulated servers Suggestion Description: We need to be able to use them on simalution servers in order to simulate the real thing .. Any example images: -- Why should it be added?:It will be useful for convoys and stuff like that . Thank you for your attention !
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