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Found 9 results

  1. Buenas noches amigos conductores de la carretera, soy nuevo en ATS MP, y me gusto mucho este juego, de hecho he grabado mi aventura y la quiero compartir con ustedes, soy nuevo en esto de hacer videos, hice un montage tambien, incluido en el video, buenas tomas y paisajes y ocurren muchas cosas, quiero que me dejen su comentario dandome su opinión, soy nuevo en la comunidad y espero sea una buena comunidad en el foro, receptiva, asi como lo son en el modo multiplayer. Si pueden, apoyenme con un like, proximamente subire mas aventuras de este gran juego!. Entren en el enlace para ver toda la aventura en la primera experiencia: Aqui >> Montage y Aventuras en ATS primera experiencia. <<<
  2. Suggestion Name: NCZ Extension on Scandinavia Suggestion Description: Extend the non-collision zone due to double trailers update. Any example images: Why should it be added? As seen in the video due to limited space trailers are being damaged in certain areas. Maybe a small extension of NCZ would help.
  3. witam Nie działa mi Multiplayer co mam teraz zrobić, aby wyjechać w trasę cofanie na starą wersje też nie działa bo już to robiłem w wieniec pomożecie?
  4. En la siguiente discusión se menciona que el multiplayer es compatible con todos los DLC: ¿Me podrían aclarar si el DLC Special Transport realmente es compatible con el MOD MP?
  5. You've got no jobs on your job list, what do you do? Follow this guide, and I will talk you through how to fix your jobs list Close ETS2, but keep Steam open Open your ETS2 profiles folder in your Documents (on Windows, this is usually "C:\Users\[your user name here]\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles") Navigate to the profile in which the issue is occuring (if unsure, look at the date in which the fodler was "modified" and this will tell you which is which, as long as your last used profile was the one you are having problems with) Open config.cfg with a program. Anything as simple as Notepad can open it, as it is not one of those "awkward" documents Navigate to "uset g_force_economy_reset", usually the 9th line down in the document. Next to the command, change the number in the speech marks ("#") to 1 (it should be 0, if not then you may have to start your game and close it again) Save (Ctrl + S is the quickest) and exit out of the document. Re-open TruckersMP/ETS2 A dialog will appear when loaded acknowledging that it has etetcted a change in the settings, just okay this (note your truck will be parked at its garage due to this change) Done! The number in the document will reset back to 0, so you can redo this when it occurs again. So why did this happen? If you use Quick Jobs, then this is your direct problem. In MP, there are often glitches with the Quick Jobs, mainly because of the time change when you load in. This method might be handy with that as you will be marked as late for your job if you load straight in with a quick job. If you own a truck, then this might be one of rare glitches and you shouldn't really worry. However if this keeps on happening, test single player. If the problem does happen then I would advise that you contact SCS Software (the creators of ETS2) as this might be a problem with the software. If the problem doesn't happen then keep on using this method. If it bugs you too much, contact TruckersMP support, and explain the issue to them. I know alot of people already know about this trick, but I wanted to highlight it to those beginners on TruckersMP who might be experiencing this problem for the first time (as I was in that position not so long ago) I hope this guide was helpful, do feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you have anymore issues about this problem which I didn't mension in the main post. Thanks
  6. So,i enter on europe 2 and when i enter on server all trucks doesn't move and my ping stay 31 ms all time.Sorry for my bad english but i really want to play on eu2.
  7. Alright so I'm new to using the forums here so I'm not sure if I've posted this in the correct place. Anyway, I've been using the No Damage Mod in game now for about 8 months. I asked an admin in game first if it would be alright and he did confirm that I'm allowed to use it as long as I'm not using it for trolling or ramming etc. Today I logged in and everything was running as normal UNTIL I opened my No Damage Mod. That's when the game put me in Offline mode. So I tried again but the same thing happened. I have since tried 3 different mods but none work. Can somebody tell me if this feature has been removed from the game or if it's possibly a bug due to the new update? The mod that I always use is just No Damage so it's not like I have the ability to speed hack or teleport etc. I'm hoping that it's not been removed all together because it's really useful for when somebody rams you, it just lets you continue driving without any engine malfunction. I can see the other side of the story here where it may have been removed due to trolls ramming people without consequences. Maybe No Damage should be an option that's added to the in-game settings, for players to use. If you're banned for ramming, maybe you're not allowed to use it anymore? Or maybe add a server that's just for no damage? I'm just thinking out loud with suggestions here. Somebody please let me know what's happening, thanks.
  8. Hello, I am new to truckersMP. I started my game in Poland and after my first delivery I was late by 8000 hours. There is no jobs available in the quick job selections. Please help. I am playing Euro Truck Simulator 2.
  9. Hi everyone, i recently installed this mod and was wondering, why i don't get any exp for my jobs. Well the time warp seems pretty off limits, is there any way to fix this, so i can get exp and money for my missions?
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