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Found 12 results

  1. Hello dear truckers! This guide shows how to adjust mouse steering in Euro Truck Simulator 2. If you're ready, let's start. First of all open the game. Right after that press "Options" which is shown with red in the photo down below. Press "Controls" from the options tab. Press the "Keyboard only" text at the top. Then press the "Keyboard + Mouse Steering" option. Mouse steering is enabled at this stage. For a better experience, you can adjust the sensitivity of the steering wheel with the "Steering sensitivity" option shown in the photo below. Choose the best sensitivity according to your driving style. Note: This guide is the English version of my guide. See you on the roads, stay healthy! Kind regards, Kamyoncu Lütfü Bey
  2. Hello, After launching ETS2 with Truckersmp my mouse stops moving/the game freezes in the login-screen. I've already reinstalled ETS and TruckersMP, it didn't solve the problem. Thanks in advance, seadoggo.
  3. I keep seeing drivers who can't seem to control their trucks, they are all over the road and causes alot of accidents. I think this is due to some people using the keyboard or a gamepad to steer the truck with. I suggest only allowing mouse or a steering-wheel to be used as a controller. I don't know if this is technically possible though, so it's just a suggestion.
  4. Malden86


    Good evening Yesterday I installed the new Plays.tv app (Beta). It works well and in my case better than the previous version. The problem that I noticed is that when it is recording in the background, I am not able to use the mouse (activate it via "right click" ) after I press "Tab", in order to go to the Options or report someone. As soon as I disable the Plays.tv, I can use the mouse as usual. Does anyone knows how to solve this in case the found a similar case in the past? Is it a problem from Plays.tv app and therefore has nothing to do with TruckersMP? Is this a bug that shall be reported to TruckersMP so that they can look into it and improve? Many thanks ---------------------------------- Just to clarify: - I had the previous version of Plays.tv and never had this problem. This is in relation to the NEW Plays Beta app. - The mouse works during the game. It is JUST when I press TAB to see the players list/menu, that I can not get the mouse to show up so I can go to the options/report someone. Therefore, I suspect the problem is only in regards to TruckersMP, as ETS2 shows the mouse. - I have changed the keys before, but this is not related to that in my opinion. It is just when I need to activate the mouse (right click) to be able to use it with the players list/menu from TruckersMP.
  5. Hi everyone, When i press a key to write in chat, the letter is written but also function of key in game runs. Example, if i press m in chat,m writes also map editor opens. To sum, chat doesnt stop keys in gameplay. Moreover, when i want to use tab player list, i click mouse right, yellow pointer appears, but pointer doesnt move, camera turns. A hidden pointer(nothing seen) selects players in list sometimes. I am confronting this problem for last several updates of tmp (i dont remember, not ets 2 versions, tmp versions)
  6. MOUSE DOES NOT WORK IN MULTIPLAYER If i start the multiplayer launcher, the game opens directly and I can not select the server. So I am right on the menu and the next problem is that I can not move my mouse. I have tried everything possible and ask for help thanks for suggestions !
  7. help! i start ets2 mp game but i cant move my mouse when started at all
  8. When I press 'TAB' my mouse doesn't come up and when I move it, it's just like if I was moving the Persons view around(to see left or right). How do I overcome this issue?
  9. Hey I download and install the TruckersMP BUT when i start the game with the multiplayers mod i click on launch ETS 2 and after black screen with the sound of the classic ETS 2 and after i can check and choose my save BUT my mouse doesn't work ! I think before normaly i have the list of server and choose one but i don't have this window. I need your help please ! Ps : I've only one DLC it's going to East Bye Zetla
  10. Hi, when starting MP ETS2 - log In works OK - Profile screen appears. Mouse Pointer is shown - mouse will no more be dedected, hence no use of mouse possible after logging on. ETS2 1.17.1 incl DLC East & Scandinavia no further maps & mods enabled
  11. Hi ! When the new update was released and installed I got a problem with my steer and mouse that when I turn my wheel to the left the mouse is also going left ? And before it wasn't doing this? I can't find a option to solve it. Does somebody know how to solve it? Thanks ThaJeroen
  12. Hi Mod Version: Version 0.1.2 R2 Controllers Used: 360 pad Description of Issue: The mouse works when I launch the mod so I can click on "play" but just after login, it doesn't respond anymore. I seems to work properly on single player. Restarting Steam fix the problem. How to reproduce: I don't know. Seems random. I do nothing special.
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