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  1. Hello, I have just logged in to my TruckersMP account and for the first time in years I decided to look around in my settings panel for my account. I wanted to change my username, email and password. I typed in details to change my username, email and password but when I clicked save it just reset everything back to the original contents and said I had to wait until October 16th to change my username when in fact, it still hadn't changed. What exactly is going on here and why can't I change the settings to my account?
  2. hey my email linked to my truckers mp account ([email protected]) is terminated and inaccessible. any way that you could change it to my desired email?
  3. Um amigo esqueceu o email cadastrado no TruckersMP e agora nao consegue logar de maneira nenhuma pois o sistema só fornece Formulário pra recuperar senha. E obviamente se ele reassociar a conta da Steam, ele recebe o aviso que aquela conta já está sincronizada. Porem como ele pode recuperar o email utilizado?
  4. Truckers mp yi açıyorum fakat Invalid email or password hatası alıyorum. Truckers mp yi önceden başka bir steam hesabından oynuyordum fakat o hesap csgo da açtığım bir hile dolayısıyla vac ban yedi. Bende yeni bir steam hesabı açtım ets 2 yi yeniden satın aldım 43 saat oynama sürem var. Vac olan hesabımda oynayabiliyorum fakat orada oynamak istemiyorum. Yeni açtığım hesapta nasıl oynayabilirim?
  5. when I came on the main screen multiplayer password in the password section gives an error found such an e-mail password, but the system can not log in to the right you help me
  6. Kde mám aktivovat Account Status mi stále ukazuje že není aktivován na meil nepřišlo nic jak to mám odeslat znovu na aktivaci? už mám z toho nervy jak nemáte v tom pořádek ani blbé tlačítko odeslat znovu na aktivaci to je tak těžký ?? Děkuji nashle.!!!!!
  7. Bonsoir. Je viens de télécharger et d'installer la version multijoueurs d'ETS 2 à partir de votre site truckersmp.com. Quand je lance le jeu, il m'est demandé mon email et mon mot de passe, hors il n'est pas possible d'écrire @ ... Petit problème donc. Comment dois-je faire ?
  8. Hello, I have been playing TruckersMP for a while and today when I wanted to log in I got the "Invalid email or password." notification. What do I have to do to fix this? Things I have tried: Changing email : Did not work Changing password: Did not work
  9. Hello! so i've just created an account with truckersMP and also have downloaded there mod and all is fine! apart from when i try to sign in with my account that works on the website and not on the game. I've tried changing my password but it doesn't work, i've read posts saying that i should change my email to ones such as !Yahoo and hotmail. The thing is.... i have hotmail and it still isn't working. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated!!! Thankss
  10. hello everyone , you can think this problem solved at past but ı tried every solution on forum. But nothing solved my problem. I copy paste my email from notepad and ı do this for password too. But it didnt helped me ı can enter multiplayer last time but this time it says "invaild password or email" so if you help ı'm gonna be very happy because ı use bootcamp to download windows for a mac just playinf ets 2 mp and then ı buy a new keybord because ı cant do copy paste with apple keyboard if you help me ım gonnea be very happy . Thanks in advence.
  11. Witam, Jakieś 2 dni temu ktoś włamał się na moje konto email i straciłem do niego dostęp. Na szczęście nie interesował się wszystkim co tam było więc mam jeszcze dostęp do truckersmp, lecz chciałbym zmienić ten adres email. na World of Trucks jest to możliwe, na steam też a u was nie widzę takiej opcji. Czy da się coś z tym zrobić??? Bardzo zależy mi na tym koncie, a w mulitiplayer gram od pierwszych dni w których został wypuszczony (pamiętam dobrze ten długi weekend majowy i jak czekałem około 30 min aby się na serwer dostać ) Z góry dziękuje za pomoc. Pozdrawiam ArmagedoNik
  12. Bonjour, J'ai fait une petite betise car j'ai supprimer mon adresse mail de Trucker MP je suis dégoûter je peux plus rien faire, je suis vraiment désoler de vous déranger. Es ce que vous pouvais me le changer avec mon mail ? Merci beaucoup à vous Cordialement Adrien
  13. Mam problem z logowaniem w grze. Chciałem sobie zagrać w ets 2 mp po kilku miesięcznej przerwie. Zaaktualizowałem ets 2 i launcher do najnowszej wersji. Zresetowałem hasło, ponieważ stare zapomniałem. Po uruchomieniu launchera i kliknięciu "LOGIN" wyskakuje mi błąd "invalid email or password". Zmieniałem hasło trzy razy i za każdym razem było to samo.
  14. Hi... so i recently re-installed the TruckersMP mod because it stopped working after i updated my game to 1.28. After re-installation, I typed the correct credentials in, and to my surprise, it says invalid email or password. I have owned ETS2 for several months now, and i play both the base game, as well as MP often, and i haven't had any problems up until now. Cheers in advance for a speedy response - Dental
  16. Best TruckersMP I cant login with my account. It says: invalid email or password. Also if i want a new password it doesnt work. Help me please Erik
  17. Hello i am writing my e-mail and cipher in the game but i am wrong i am sure i entered correctly how to fix it
  18. when I came on the main screen multiplayer password in the password section gives an error found such an e-mail password, but the system can not log in to the right you help me
  19. Hello, sorry for my english, i'm french. I can't connect my account when I launch Truckersmp Each time it said "invalid email or password". I saw a solved post, where someone says : Nothing works. so, what can i do ?
  20. Guest

    Invalid email or password !

  21. Hey guys, I didn't get an email to activate my account and thats like 24 hours ago. I tried to find a solution without creating a ticket but failed, my account settings are public and all. Would be nice if you could help me. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Rex__vitis
  22. Good evening, I have a wierd problem that I cannot login whatever I do, it always says that either my Email or password is wrong, even though I still can login in to the forum (duh) and the website, it was on "save" aswell, so I didn't touch anything. Newest version ( Alpha) installed.
  23. I keep trying to login to the actual game but it says that either the password or the email are invalid. I changed the email 3 times, the password some odd 4-5 times, the game is in my steam library, played 2 hours and profile public (I wouldn't have been able to make an account otherwise). I can login to the site just fine but the game doesn't care. Neither my password or email have weird characters. I do it with or without administrator privileges. I did everything, what's wrong? Can someone help?
  24. Hello everyone, i just have a quick question. I dont know if this is the place to ask, but i'll leave it to the moderators to move the topic. My question is if you can deactivate/delete your account on TruckersMP, in order to create a new one? Thankful for answers. ErikWinqvist
  25. when I came on the main screen multiplayer password in the password section gives an error found such an e-mail password, but the system can not log in to the right you help me
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