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Found 7 results

  1. Welcome to my Gallery Here I will be posting my photos from my trips and convoy. I hope you like these photos.
  2. Guest

    Cargo Mass

    Hello! Is there any way that you can edit your trailer mass? I heard from players that you can but nobody answered how. I tried searching YouTube but didn`t found any videos. Can somebody help me?
  3. Hey, I've simple question: Is it alowwed to drive with the Scania Mod (Blue/Green headlights)? http://prntscr.com/j4bjqd I'm not shure because of recent save editing rule changes... ~grundi
  4. Saw a Turkish gentleman with a scania, where his headlights where cyan colored (not his lights, but the glass/plastic cover) and the sleeper v8 cabin logo was pink. He didn't speak English, so i wasn't able to ask him how. Anyone know? cheers
  5. Hi, I have been having this problem for a few days and Blazie has had it for about 3 weeks. Whenever I try to extract my game.sii it tells me that it was decrypted but when I open it, its a mix-mash of decrypted english and encrypted garbage. I have changed my save_idx between 1,2 and 3 but it doesn't work on any of them. The only thing I have done between the time of it working and not working is hiring about 130 drivers, buying 130 trucks and buying all the paint job DLCs. If you know how to fix this, please let me know either in the forum via a reply to this thread or through a PM. Thanks -James Edit: I found the problem. The game had reset a config file. I just had to go and reset some settings If you are having this issue, goto C:\Users\[your computer]\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 and open your config file, go to uset g_save_format and change the number in the quotes to "2" For advance users who have the console activated, you can do this in game by simply typing "uset g_save_format 2" (no quotes) in to the console and it should fix your issue.
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