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Found 11 results

  1. Hey there , recently i updated ETS2 and since then there has been no audio in game whatsover . I have tried removing all my mods , updating drivers and veryfing intergretity of files and nothing seems to work . However , if i downgrade to any older version , it restores audio but then I can't play truckersmp . Does anyone know a fix?
  2. Hey guys, brand new driver here. I just downloaded ATS around a week ago and only have about 30 hrs (probably only around ~18-20 of actual driving) in the game. I really want to try to play multiplayer, but as I have only ever played on 1.40, I am pretty clueless on how downgrading your game will work on this game in particular, as downgrading game versions on other modded games I have played can REALLY cause some serious, and sometimes even permanent damage. So I was just wondering how, if it all, it will affect my singleplayer progression and mods installed. I will list the few mods I have installed down below, just in case it can provide useful information in to how downgrading will affect my setup in particular. Listed in order of priority: Real Companies, Shops, & Billboards (1.40), Viper2's Peterbilt Modified v2.3 (1.39/beta 1.40), Scania Trucks for ATS, Air Brake Sound Mod (1.40), Cummins N14 Sound/Engine Pack (1.39, works in 1.40), and FMod's Cummins N14 Lope Tune Pack (1.39, works in 1.40), and Unlimited Money + XP Mod for ATS (inactive currently, but works in 1.40) Sorry for the info dump, but I am pretty excited to play MP, however to me it is not worth corrupting all of my files and mods and having to start all over when I could just be patient and wait for the TruckersMP team to release the 1.40 update. Thank you for any and all help you can give, this seems like an amazing community, and I am excited to be a part of it. :)
  3. Hello all,te How do I downgrade from open beta 1.38 to (TMP support beta). I cannot find "Temporary_1_37- 1.37.x for incompatible mods". Kindly help me how to downgrade to play MP game. I found "oculus - Oculus/Vive - 1.37 - (SDK 1.4.0)" Thanks a lot.
  4. Hello, So Ive Brought Ets2 Today, Ive Got Truckers Mp And Everything is installed, but everytime i go to load truckers mp it keeps giving me this error ..... 'ETS2MP - Fatal Error. Unsupported Game Version Detected! Expected Ver, [rev. e0862fcae485] You have ver.' i Currently have my beta thing set to 'Temporary_1_36 - 1.36_x For Incompatible Mods' and still it doesnt seem to want to let me on, im also running the TruckersMp as Administrator, Ive Played Ets2 In The Past Quite Alot But Never Online So This Is A First, Ive Watched a few videos but there is no up to date video on youtube on how to deal with this problem for 202, any help from an admin or someone who may know the right one to use would be greatful
  5. Hi, is it possible to downgrade TruckersMP to 1.35? I wanted to play with ProMods but as that is only available in 1.35 and TruckersMP was updated to 1.36 I can't launch it.
  6. After i downgraded ETS2 to 1.31, and i did it after guides, this pops up when i try to launch the truckersmp. i dont know how to fix it :/
  7. Ok so I know the process but when I go to select a version the one required is not on the list. http://prntscr.com/kvk5k4 http://prntscr.com/kvk5o2
  8. Γεια Σας ! Ένα Μικρό Guide που μας βοήθα στο να Κάνουμε DownGrade, ώστε να υποστηρίζεται το MultiPlayer Στα Ελληνικά . 1ο Βήμα.--> Πηγαίνουμε στην Συλλογή μας. 2ο Βήμα.--> Πηγαίνουμε στο παιχνίδι μας (Euro Truck Simulator 2 είτε στο American truck simulator) 3ο Βήμα.--> δεξί κλικ και μετά μπαίνουμε στης Ιδιότητες. 4ο Βήμα.--> Και Πηγαίνουμε στης Δοκιμαστικές εκδόσεις 5ο Βήμα --> Επιλέγουμε την Εκδοσή που υποστηρίζει το Multiplayer Ελπίζω με αυτά τα 5 Βήματα να βοήθησα στο πως να κάνουμε DownGrade!
  9. Guest

    I can't downgrade

    Hello, i have this problem: http://prntscr.com/ew11q9 Regards, xaverracer
  10. When I launch MP it says that I have to downgrade, but I have public 1.4 so it is newest version.. And when I close it then it says Cannot initialize client core... Don't someone knows what to do? Because I can't downgrade to 1.3 if this version is 1.4 and the next thing is what? BTW: Today I buoght this game and never played.
  11. im trying to load up ats but just keep getting that i need to downgrade my game.. ive tried that then it says i stil need to downgrade it... whats happened to it??
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