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Found 9 results

  1. What coding languages do you know? I know: HTML CSS A bit of C++ I want to learn JS so I can get to making amazing websites ect and I want to learn more C++. I think coding helps me recover after getting banned from TMP for "ramming" but yeah. What do you know/what do you want to learn?
  2. Hi, I was unable to post this in the developer section, so hopefully someone can move it to the right place. I am trying to use the Truckers MP PHP API package with Laravel. I have the following code to get the servers and cache them: $servers = Cache::remember('servers', 10, function () { if (Cache::has('servers')) { return Cache::get('servers'); } else { $client = new Client(); return $client->servers()->get(); } }); return view('layouts.servers', ['servers' => $servers]); I don't think it is working correctly because it seems to refresh quicker than the cache duration (10 minutes). Not sure what's missing or wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Dear Kat_pw 1. I am writing to you regarding CCTV which you shared often on your Twitch (and on TruckersMP Twitch - host) some time ago. Is the it on hold due to lack of time, technical problems, personal reasons or other reasons? You just let me know: What do you think about back to this? I believe that "TruckersMP Traffic Cameras [24/7]" is an excellent way of promoting TruckersMP on Media (Twitch) 24/7, hence the question. 2. You are a TruckersMP developer for several years but lately you are less visible (public activity on the TruckersMP services), for example: logging on the forum, writing posts/ changelogs, other. What is your role in the TruckersMP currently? Are you an advisor or do you work on small or large projects behind the scenes? Of course I don't expecting providing details. 3. In recent months, I have seen several times that you do music. Have you thought about combining music with driving on TMP servers? It would be interesting from a media point of view. Several years ago, players could watch you ride and run an official stream on TruckersMP Twitch. Are you still interested in truck driving or have you thought about one or two such live-streams in the coming months? For the record: clip1: TruckersMP | Late Night Truckin' with Kat_pw clip2: [Boxing Day Stream] Driving with Kat | TruckersMP ETS2 Europe #2 | @Kat_PW Thank you for your time. ps. I'm well aware of that: Questions regarding the development or directed to a specific Developer may take some time to be replied to due to the lack of time of some of the developers. Yours sincerely MarkON (player-Veteran Driver)
  4. Hello I've been playing ETS2MP And I have a question when I connect and take truck from labor exchange and everytime I press drive and it loads the server when it loaded up then it says I need to hurry up cause' manager is waiting for me to come (I don't have a truck and when I press drive and start work it says what I just said in that text I need help is this a glitch?)
  5. Dear Devs, Admins, Moderator, Supporter,... I have rummage in your Webside. I have seen an "mistake". The server "Europe 2" has an speedlimiter. the speedlimiter is 150 Km/h. Suggestion Name: Wrong Status informations Suggestion Description: Wrong speedlimiter in "Europe 2" Why should it be added?: Because it is true (sorry, but it is) Any example images: You can see it here: https://truckersmp.com/status
  6. Hey guys, i hope this is the right section. I am in need of a software developer or someone who knows how to work with Java I can pay for work done but I'm not loaded so reasonable amount I will not go into detail about the requested project but they need to know enough about Euro Truck Simulator to complete the task, hit me up with a message,
  7. best truckersmp when does the update 1.32 for multiplayer? I think it's a super nice addition
  8. Hello, I noticed that today Kat_pw was doing a livestream, he was doing the CCTV. And i was wondering if it was possible for me to also be able to do something like that. I have got the camera enabled but i can't see any trucks on it if i stay at Dover and go to Newcastle.
  9. Nazwa Sugestii : Mapa zleceń a jej brak. Opis Sugestii :Hej, od dwóch tygodni pykam sobie w ETS2mp/ATS, i mam taki problem. To znaczy. Podczas brania zleceń zewnętrznych nie mogę wybrać miasta. Bo są nie odkrytę. pomimo że mam je odkryte. Na innych zleceniach to działa, więc chciałbym abyście dodali takie coś jak w pozostałych zleceniach. Przykładowe obrazki : http://imgur.com/a/WJ6kY Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna? :Bo to wkurzające.
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