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Found 5 results

  1. Парни, всем привет. Недавно начал делать приборку от авто для симулятора, практически закончил электрическую часть, сейчас занимаюсь программной. Будет ли Вам интересно наблюдать за процессом? Краткое видео прилагается) Видео тут
  2. In all trucks ATS/ETS2 for me the dashboard screen with all your info keeps cutting in and out and ive done everything reinstall the game most of everything and nothing seems to work Please Help! Video of issue-
  3. Map navigation on the dashboard does not work. It is still off. It works well in single. However, it does not work on multi only. I changed the dashboard map key, but it still does not work. Windows 10 64bit, Scania Streamline.
  4. Is it allowed to have a Dashboard skin? (example: a dashboard High quality skin) Is it allowed to have Road skins? (example: yellow lines instead of white) AM i even allowed to have any texture mods?
  5. Witajcie. Mam do Was pytanie. Czy używanie moda na przenośny dashboard jest legalne na MP? Jakie wrażenia macie z korzystania? Czy polecacie?
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