Posts posted by POT CEO KICK
I am cruising thru the desert and it is 98 degrees outside in game and yet snow falls from the sky. How is this possible? At least tell me how to shut the dang crap off cause if i wanted the snow mod i would have installed it.
lol I doubt it, they say they don't get paid, but have a ton of ads on there page. I feel there not updating ats cuz they want more ppl playing ets2, I have never had to waith this long for them to fix the launcher, Rhe new dlc came out for ets2 and they were right on that.
yes it has @-XCE- Thanks
3 hours ago, DrEGZo said:
I agree with you, but it's nothing we could influence since it depends on the developers.
I can imagine that the pressure of the community is higher for ets than for ats... simply because there are more players. And yes, that's sad since ats is a really beatiful game.
However, this could only be resolved if more players were playing ats. So a better question would be: why do most of the people dislike ats? The most common answers would be "map is too small" or "only 4 trucks". But I think these are just prejudices. The map is growing fast and it has been rescaled this year. The map DLCs are less expensive, and something like a boring built Germany does not exist in ats. Personally, I'm satisfied of the 4 trucks, since at the end I need only one.
From my experience, most of the players I was able to convince to try out ats were totally excited.
Nevermind, though I share your perception, there are also some other possible reasons causing the delay for ats. Ats got his recent updates always a short time before ets. Thus some of the code parts been developed for ats before can just be copied to ets. This can probably slightly decrease the time that is needed to update etsmp.
Yes there is less people playing azts and I also wish it was a lot more. But if truckersmp was more consistent on keeping the mod up to date for ats , then I think that there would be a slight increase in the number of players. Twitch streamers also help to get more players on the game too, I have watched a few streamers and they wished the mod worked for ats since that's what they enjoy over ets2. I personally been playing ats since it came out and been playing multiplayer since it was released for ats. I just wish the ats community had more consistent players. I really enjoy everyone's feedback on this topic. CHEERS!!!
3 hours ago, [LKW Tr.] Akoa said:
As you probably already know, there is more people that play ETS2 than ATS so they focus on the most played game.
I agree with that policy, and I would like to see more people playing ATS cause is very good game and is different, is not the same as ETS.
well since they are taking there time to fix the problem, ppl who play ats go to play ets2 so they don't have to roll there game back
Why is when ets2 gets updated the mp is fixed right away, but then the ppl that play ats have to wait a long time for mp to get updated . This is a bit frustrating. They know its broke whats the hold up?
Just now, Lorenita said:
Caro @kickrocks69,
You must leave all the beta versions on your Steam.Steam> Library> Games> Ets 2> Right click on> Properties> Betas> And select to exit all beta versions.
Wait until you have finished downloading your Steam update.
Try again.I hope that helps!
I am opted out of all betas and also have reinstalled American truck and truckersmp launcher and still get the same issue
Snow in Game?
in Unsolved Topics
you def. totally missed the whole post. please reread it. Thanks for the help @Granite