About Filip F.
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Slovakia: Banska Bystrica
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Keep getting kicked with "Invalid accessory set detected NETTRUCK"
Filip F. replied to Scruffy-DK's question in Solved Topics
Remove any mods while in singleplayer, play for a few minutes and try again. Do you have the truck purchased? -
[GLI] saeed kamali [CEO] started following Filip F.
Try other servers, maybe is server bad for u. I had this problem too, but in Counter Strike.
Hello guys, my name is Filip "Fifo" F. I'm a begginer in Euro Truck Simulator 2. I saw in MP a company in the front of name. How to create a company? Only register on http://myvtc.net and then search employees on forum? How to prefix my company to front of name? Sorry for my ENG >D
Zdravím Vás, moje meno je Filip "Fifo" F. Som začiatočník v hre ETS 2. Chcel by som si niečo zistiť ohladom firiem v ETS 2 MP. Ako si založím firmu? Stačí sa zaregistrovať tu: http://myvtc.net a potom už len nájsť na fóre zamestnancov? A ako si nastavím, nech sa mi firma zobrazuje pred menom v hre? Je možné nech mi zamestnanci zarábajú? Ďakujem, s pozdravom Filip F.