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Posts posted by Flaming.

  1. What most likely happened here is another player submitted a report, and that report also showed you violating our rules. I can assure you that we do not look on Youtube to find violations, we only take action if that evidence is reported, or we see the violation in game. 


    I would like to point out that our rules which you agreed to state that we have the right to ban you at any time.



    §5.2 - Staff and TruckersMP

    Staff reserve the right to kick or ban you from the TruckersMP servers at any point if needed. Project Management has the right to exempt individuals from rules under special circumstances. The servers, mod and staff are provided free of charge for everyone and in that sense, everyone is a guest on the servers and it is a privilege that can be removed at any time. No form of persecution or offence toward any other members or staff team members will be permitted. We reserve the right to remove your right to access the servers at any time and at our discretion. Please note that the creators of the TruckersMP mod are not linked to SCS in any way, shape, or form. TruckersMP staff can be exempted from these rules if deemed necessary for their duties.


    • Upvote 2
  2. If you are trying to report another user, you will need to do so through our report system. However, if you even have a slight doubt that you are at fault for this incident, I do not recommend submitting a report. If you submit a report and you are found at fault, you will be banned off your own evidence. 



    • Upvote 2
  3. Hey there! I would like to start by saying that rule §2.8 - How bans are issued gives guidelines for ban lengths. Ban lengths can be overruled by violating rule §1.2, §2.1, and it can be extended through §2.9.



    §2.8 - How bans are issued

    The first 3 bans are issued at the staff member’s discretion.

    The 4th ban is thirty days.

    The 5th ban and consecutive bans are ninety days.


    If you disagree with the ban the first step is to appeal (which I can see you have done). Game Moderators have up to 72 hours to respond to your appeal. If you are dissatisfied with the result of your appeal, you are able to use the feedback system. I have attached a Knowledge Base article, which hopefully should clear some things up.




    I hope this helps!

    • Upvote 5
    • HaulieThumbsUp 1
    • Woah! 1
    • Awesome! 5
  4. +1 This is already in the game for Game Moderators, so I assume it would just need to be permissions changed to allow players to click on someones name, and would make Player's lives easier when trying to report someone in game since you won't need to scroll through up to 100 names if you are in a populated city. Good suggestion!

    • Upvote 1
  5. I've updated to the beta for ATS and visited the truck stops in Las Vegas, they look so realistic to the Truck Stops IRL and I can't wait until SCS adds the Truck Stop throughout the rest of the map.


    I haven't updated to the ETS2 beta yet, however I have seen screenshots of the truck dealers and they look so much better compared to the truck dealerships in 1.37.

  6. Suggestion Name: Allow Unlimited Freecam on Event Servers For Event Supervisors


    Suggestion Description: As stated in the title, this will allow Unlimited Freecam on Event Servers for Event Supervisors, this could be done by having a list of all of the supervisors on the event request section, and the people on the list would be whitelisted with unlimited freecam for that event server.


    Any example images: nxFrt4D.png


    Why should it be added?: This should be added because at the moment, if you are not a part of the Event Team or Game Moderation Team you can't see players outside of your tab, this is a huge disadvantage to Event Supervisors when trying to manage a convoy. Having unlimited freecam would be extremely useful for Event Supervisors, so they can check for gaps in the convoy and adjust the speed accordingly without having to create saves all along the route, or having to wrong way drive and overtake the convoy.

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    • HaulieLove 1
  7. This would add realism, however this would cause alot of accidents, and who would be held liable? The person for not sleeping, or could the accident be ruled "accidental" and not have any punishment applied?

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