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Veteran Driver VII
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About Cman3144

  • Birthday April 5

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    USA Florida
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Florida Hauling Co.

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  1. -1, Personally I always drive ATS, I never encounter problems with the cars. I think it would be more of a hassle to apply and wait for permission to use them. I rarely use the car, but when I do it's not planned. I feel like this is the same way with other users, it would just get in the way if everyone had to go apply for it, even if it is just once.
  2. It worked! Thank you.
  3. After reinstalling American Truck Simulator and Truckers MP I noticed that my chatbox doesn't work. I can't see what other players say and I can't type to them my self. Everything else works perfectly (Tab Menu ETC.) At this point I don't know what to do. I looked into the settings for ATSMP and I couldn't find anything on the chatbox. Any suggestions?
  4. @MisterELegal, Possibly try disabling adblocker. ATS Would not register on TruckerMP and after about a day of trying it decided to disable my adblocker.. It worked almost instantly afterwords. Could have just been a coincidence, but I suggest trying.
  5. +1, I love this idea, I think its a good idea for people to be able to set their default channel. Of course I still think the default of default should be 19 so newer players are put in one place to start off with. More experienced players with groups and such could then set their default channel to a channel used by their group.
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