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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by H4MZ4_

  1. More people in the queue than in the actual server.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zero4K


      And when I joined the Event server it said restart game - seasson invalid


      I quit ETS 


    3. SupiUK


      @Zero4k exactly the same :(

    4. H4MZ4_



      Yep... an hour of queuing got me this.

  2. Any time frame that we can expect the update, is it worth me staying up a few hours for it, or is it something that will be in a few days?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H4MZ4_


      Hmmm I'm not sure, they are giving alot of updates for it, the trailer, the rules, and even an update about if you choose the police skin, you will get instant kicked, it feeels like its coming soon 

    3. devo343
  3. I'm not happy with the result of reducing a ban from a month to 3 days. You claimed that what I said in the appeal was not proved in the evidence I had shown, yet it seems you ignored reading and watching the video clearly. I said that my DS4 bluetooth controller had lagged which is evident in the video as my engine acceleration cuts out. I said that before the incident I was driving naturally as I had shown the wider video before the incident happened which showed me naturally driving as you accused me of "Playing Chicken" which I also take offense from. I'm not driving around playing games with people as I showed that I was driving naturally before. I might be unbanned now, but I'm not happy this is stuck on my record now. If nothing further is done I'll be emailing the feedback team, as you ignored what I said in my appeal and only reduced it because one of my other bans was removed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H4MZ4_


      Actually, they can't receive PMs apparently. So this is the only way of contact especially since their contact URLs link to some game sites. 

    3. CaptainKostaZ


      If you consider that your ban appeal was not handled correctly,you can email [email protected] .
      Please read the following thread first.


    4. ZuLynx


      Hi, like CaptainKostaZ said before, you can send an email to [email protected] with an explanation to your problem :)



  4. How do you get them cool paintjobs, like gear cogs and tire mark paintjobs? I seen a few players with them

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Think its the new ingame company logos etcon 1.25

    3. H4MZ4_


      @stilldre1976 @Space_Night Thanks, I see them at the top of the paintjob list now

    4. Space Night

      Space Night

      I have yet to go to 1,25 as I like my RJL scania.  Does anyone know if its compatible with ETS2MP?


  5. One of the worst planned events by TruckersMP.


    Having to queue for an hour is one thing, getting connection refused once the queue is done is another thing, but having to requeue again for half an hour to get the connection refused again.....

  6. Here are my logs for the crash: https://gyazo.com/36025c51b92c4ebf3fe07ee5d9b95a98

    1. NevsArmHair
    2. stilldre1976


      try right clicking mp icon and running as admin buddy

  7. So is no damage  not allowed anymore? It's broken in the newest update and crashes the game.

  8. Use this time to step into the real world for a bit.



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