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Mike Dragon

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Mike Dragon

  1. Due to other people's schedules getting in my way, until further notice, I will be unable to livestream the BR Wednesday on this Wednesday 17th. Too bad, since I was planning on playing Need for Speed Most Wanted for the first time on a stream. Sorry. ? The Friday stream (the Gaming Friday) on the 19th should still happen normally, if all goes to plan. Maybe then I'll play Most Wanted, instead.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  2. Happy Sunday! Come and let's enjoy this Sunday with art together. ?



    1. Cora


      Always love a chill art sunday! 

  3. Part 4 (and perhaps final) of Angels With Scaly Wings is about to start! Come and join me on this next part of the story on tonight's Gaming Friday. ?



  4. PT-BR: Boo! Vem tomar susto com a gente em Phasmophobia no Quarta BR de hoje!


    ENG: Boo! Come get spooked with us on Phasmophobia on today's BR Wednesday!




  5. My body wishes I was sleeping, but art cannot wait. So come on over and join me for today's Chill Art Sunday!




  6. PT-BR: 'Bora mineirar e fazer coisas. 'Bora jogar Minecraft no Quarta BR de hoje!


    ENG: Let's go mine and craft things. Let's go play Minecraft on today's BR Wednesday!



  7. Coffee makes wonders. I'm now awake so let's hop on today's Chill Art Sunday and draw a cave with little horses and a walking green TNT!




  8. I slept in. Though I woke up in time for today's stream, I am too half-asleep to do it right away, so I'm delaying it a little bit. Expect today's Chill Art Sunday to start at about 3:30 PM eastern time.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  9. With Halloween already knocking on the door, what's best to play today other than a spooky game? Come on over and let's play Phasmophobia on today's Gaming Friday!




  10. PT-BR: Venha para o Quarta BR de hoje e vamos fazer umas entregas em American Truck Simulator.


    ENG: Come to today's BR Wednesday and let's do some deliveries on American Truck Simulator.



  11. Enough vectors. On today's Chill Art Sunday: colors!



  12. Starting late (THANKS, BROTHER), it's time to start today's Gaming Friday, finally!



  13. PT-BR: Venha. Apenas venha.


    ENG: Come. Just come.



  14. After over a day and a half without power due to a sandstorm, it's time to stream, again! Time for another relaxing art session on today's Chill Art Sunday.




  15. A sandstorm hit my city this afternoon with really strong winds. A nearby tree fell on some power lines and knocked down my power. It won't get fixed in time for today's stream, so I'll be forced to cancel it. Sorry. ;-; I'll try to make it on Saturday.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!

  16. I must be addicted to mini heart attacks, 'cause I'm playing Phasmophobia again, on today's stream. Join me!



  17. Today's definitely a chill Sunday. Perfect time to work on some art.



  18. What's this? An extra stream? Sure! Join me for some Phasmophobia with friends!



  19. Let's truck on Euro Truck Simulator 2. Actually no... "Truck" is the wrong term... Let's LORRY on Euro Truck Simulator 2.



  20. Unfortunately, due to reasons I cannot disclose, today's stream is yet another one I'll have to cancel. I'm getting sick of this. I'll try to stream something tomorrow to make up for today. Sorry.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!

  21. PT-BR: Vamos nos assustar! Tem Phasmophobia no stream desta noite!




    ENG: Let's get spook'ed! There is Phasmophobia on tonight's stream!




    1. Almeida.


      Let's goooo xDDD

  22. It's Friday and what better day to truck, hm? Deliveries must be made, so join me for today's Gaming Friday!



  23. It's Friday and what better day to truck, hm? Deliveries must be made, so join me for today's Gaming Friday!



  24. Unfortunately I will be unable to stream today. I was going to play some more Phasmophobia but due to some unexpected things, I won't be able to livestream. ? So if all goes right, I should be doing today's stream tomorrow, Thursday, at the same time (8PM eastern). Whether or not I'll play Phasmophobia again tomorrow like I would today, however, that is currently uncertain.


    Regardless, follow me on Twitch to catch it!

  25. Time to draw vectors on today's Chill Art Sunday!




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