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Mike Dragon

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Mike Dragon

  1. If you don't feel nostalgia for this tune, then you are not old enough to talk about nostalgia. There, I said it.



  2. So, no Chill Art Sunday today, as you surely must already have noticed. I am sorry for that. I did not even post anything to say I wouldn't stream today. Truth is, I have a lot going on. I hate missing a stream (especially C.A.S. It's my favorite) but more and more it's become unavoidable, lately. And not due to my will. I will try to make other unscheduled streams soon to try and make up for it.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch those and other future streams.


    1. ClemTruck.


      No problem, I understand you

  3. The title of the video says it all.


    Happy Caturday!

  4. Join me now on tonight's Gaming Friday for part 2 of my playthrough of Stray, the cat game!





  5. Hey! The battery on our car discharged so I arrived home late. For this reason, today's Gaming Friday will start with quite a delay. Unless something else goes wrong, I should be playing part 2 of Stray (yes, the cat game) at around 6:30 PM (eastern time).


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  6. I should be streaming the WedTruckSim (I really need a better name for this one) at the moment, but I had to bring my mother to the hospital and it looks like I won't be out of here for at least another Five hours. I'll try to stream on Thursday, instead.

    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!




    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      hope your mother is ok :HaulieLove:

  7. Gonna be honest with you... I am in 0 mood or will to stream today due to a few... reasons. But a greater Force told me I should do it anyway, so let's get this show on the road. As such, join me for today's Chill Art Sunday and let's see how much progress I can get done on that truck design of mine!




  8. I really want a shiny Ponyta or Rapidash in gen 4. For about 20 years I've wanted one after I caught one in gen 2 but I never could get another one in any other Pokémon game. So I'll try to chain-shiny hunt one on Pokémon Platinum today! Join me for that attempt at chain shiny hunting, which is something I've never done before! (There will be webcam! 👀 Sorta.) 



  9. Hey! It's Caturday!



    Happy Caturday!


  10. Join me on tonight's Gaming Friday as I play Ghost Watchers for the very first time, a game where I have to identify the ghost AND capture it, apparently. It's supposedly quite scary, too!




  11. Today's Gaming Friday will start with a small delay, but it should start shortly. I had to run some errands and just got home. I am preparing to stream and should be live within just a few minutes from posting this message. Today I should be playing Ghost Watchers!


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  12. On tonight's WedTruckSim I am working as a bus driver. So all aboard and join me for a few trips on a green Bluebus!




  13. I want and intend to draw stuff today, but my projects folder is a bit messy and for years I have been thinking about putting some order to it and I think I'll also be doing that today. So join me for art and tidiness on today's Chill Art Sunday. 




  14. Today I am playing what is essentially a little horse simulator. Despite it not being a game full of action (quite the opposite), it is one I enjoy immensely and I really need to relax. So screw any pony haters, Legends of Equestria is a good game, it relaxes me and that's what I'll play tonight! So join me for that on tonight's Gaming Friday!




  15. I'm gonna play what is essentially a little horse simulator on tonight's Gaming Friday. Despite it not being a game full of action (quite the opposite), it is one I enjoy immensely and I really need to relax. So screw any pony haters, Legends of Equestria is a good game and that's what I'll play tonight!


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  16. It's the end. Today I'm on ATS, finishing my World of Trucks Halloween contracts. Join me for that and maybe more on tonight's WedTruckSim!




  17. After yet another BSoD with the same GPU-related error code, I am now trying a clean up of the card's contacts and the PCI-E slot. If after this I have the problem again, I'll have no choice but to downgrade to my old GTX 650 to see if the problem will happen with it as well or not. If it does, then the problem is not being caused by the GPU but something else (possibly the PSU). If it doesn't, then I have to install the GTX 1060 (the card that is acting up on the main PC) on my second PC to see if the problem manifests itself there. If it does, then my GTX 1060 is definitely defective and I'll need to replace it ASAP. If not, then great.


    Worst part is: If I do have to replace the card, then I'm done for. I cannot afford a new one.


  18. Today is elections day in my country and my mother decided that today specifically is the day I have to take her to the health clinic for something that should have been done days ago but as always, she decided to wait until I would be busy. So for these reasons, there will be no Chill Art Sunday once more today. I have already been hinting in recent streams that due to the elections alone I probably wouldn't stream today, anyway. This is the confirmation.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch future streams!


  19. With Halloween right around the corner, now's a good time as any to go and talk to ghosts. So join me for tonight's Gaming Friday and let's play Phasmophobia once again!




  20. So yesterday's stream didn't work out very well due to a poor connection with Twitch. So let's try it again. Join me now for Halloween World of Trucks event deliveries on American Truck Simulator!




  21. My connection with Twitch today is really bad for some reason. It was freezing too frequently, dropping the quality to sub-potato levels and with a delay of several minutes. Unwatchable. So I gave up on it for today. I'm sorry. 😞 If all goes to plan, I will try to make up for it tomorrow, Thursday 27th, also at 7 PM eastern time.


    Follow me on Twitch to not miss it!


  22. Halloween is coming and World of Trucks has a new event. Join me on tonight's WedTruckSim and let's haul some "Happy Hauloween" event goodies!




  23. If I don't run into any issues, I should be doing World of Trucks Halloween event deliveries on tonight's WedTruckSim.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  24. My GPU is acting up, PC crashed really hard several times last night but I'll try to stream today, anyway. So join me now and let's draw on today's Chill Art Sunday!




  25. I had to go see a doctor (still sick) and for that reason, today's Gaming Friday is starting late. But join me now for the latest update of Phasmophobia for some spooks!




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