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  1. No the question has not been answered at all. The paint job is part of the Base game it was accepted prior, the link given doesn't address the issue at all and I had searched the logs prior.
  2. Thank you for the reply however this doesn't help at all. I understand the reason why I got kicked but the reason makes no sense given the history of ATS as well as the paint scheme is part of the base game. Your link to the knowledge base doesn't address the steampunk paint job at all, I did a control+F and searched for "steam" (which I got 2 hits addressing steam API) as well I did a search on Paint which only highlighted one search result talking about "pilot scheme paint job". The steam punk paint job was supported by truckers MP and is part of the base game (not a mod or addon) and having searched I see no changes that mention or address this as making it invalid for MP in any change log. This is why I am confused, it being part of the base game and getting this error I feel it is bug on your side in regards to that paint scheme,
  3. May have created a ticket instead of a comment where I can find a solution. I had played ATS online since it was available but gave up on online for awhile due to how it worked with workers (free money seemed like cheating). Back then I would use the steam punk paintjob that came with being a follower of the game as well as pre-ordering. When I played online I used only that paint job. So decided to start a fresh profile for online, get my first truck and put the steampunk paint job on it and get kicked from the server with a message addressing the paint job. Why am I getting kicked for a paintjob that has been used before, as well is part of the game entirely?
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