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[XY-Team] *003* clear day

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About [XY-Team] *003* clear day

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  1. If TMP starts charging mode, I think it will lose a large part of players! Perhaps everyone's economic conditions are different! At least that's what I think!
  2. This suggestion is very good, so I can know if my truck is suitable for transporting this cargo
  3. 推荐使用UU 比较稳定 加速节点你的选择欧洲
  4. I can understand your thoughts! If I encounter an emergency situation during the game, I can only park my car on the roadside (without obstructing the roadside of other players) to handle my emergency situation
  5. I am more inclined towards communication, and if I cannot communicate, I will create a report
  6. It looks like a good method, I'm going to give it a try! Thank you for sharing
  7. I think we can start looking forward to the autumn module, after all, summer is almost over
  8. Although I also want it to be compatible with TMP, I know it could be troublesome as its trailer may not be suitable for TMP's road conditions, and encountering it on the road may cause road congestion
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