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About SirHiszpan

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  1. A driving license wouldn't change anything, players will drive however they want and it's very annoying. This should somehow automatically punish individual behavior.
  2. Sometimes it's hard to find even one, but it's a game so they do what they can. It should be added that if they exist, they fulfill them 101% by enforcing the law. Thanks for being here!
  3. There are many things that would be useful for ETS, such as: -tandems -sounds (currently everything sounds similar and even the same, a bit sad) -additional tuning options (more rims, tires, lamps and other accessories, something for the cabin would also be useful) - more painting options - suspension physics ets needs these things
  4. Ooo delightful, let's make 2024 even better
  5. Hi does anyone know if there are any skins mods allowed for TMP?
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