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About Toth.

  • Birthday 12/28/2005

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  1. Welcome back, this time to the Add-On Team!:LUL:

  2. Hello @ThatWelshTrucker First of all, thank you for your questions here. After reading your question carefully, I understand that you want to know about the update of your navigation data after joining TruckersMP is this a bug or a regular issue! After reading your question, I will tell you that this is a regular problem, because when the game is updated, your game data has changed, so you need to re-select the garage and trailer, just like when you play the game without TrucerskMP exclusive content in single player, you need to re-modify the game data, and then return to the online mode. This is something every player goes through, a regular problem with the game, not a bug you encounter! I hope my answer to this question will be helpful to you! Thank you Kind Regards Toth.
  3. Hello @HazMatHauler First of all, thank you for raising your query here. After perusing your question, I understand that you are seeking some information regarding saving edits to the Discord server here! Although I don't deem this type of question appropriate to be posed in the help section, as I believe this place ought to feature more posts related to players' issues in the game. Nevertheless, I will offer some responses to your questions. I will present the following servers for your reference: 1. https://discord.gg/2qyJ45Hjya 2. https://discord.gg/r440 3. https://discord.gg/69gRHDXSYD I hope my answer to this question will be helpful to you! Thank you Kind Regards Toth.
  4. Congrats nubs :LUL:

  5. Happy Birthday nub :LUL:

  6. Welcome back Game Moderator Leader Post

  7. I can't wait for this event, really looking forward to RealOps16!
  8. Welcome Back

  9. Congrats 

    1. ENFORCER1983


      Hey, Thanks, Toth!

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