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  1. I'm also curious about the opinions of the truckersMP team
  2. That's the reason i want it only for Patreons. And it is just an idea. I dont care if its a other van or other livery. Its just a suggestion and i hope they wil add something like this ?
  3. @FernandoCR yes okay, about the implementation can of course be adjusted. Then it is best like the skoda natural Pilot skin. But the beauty would still be a bus with strobes on the front and on the back with a flashing light beam. There are people who don't like this. But I would love this to drive behind or in front of trucks with large or heavy transport
  4. Suggestion Name: special transport escort van/ Vito/ sprinter/ Suggestion Description: Add a Vito/ sprinter/ or any van or car with Convoi Exceptionnel , Orange LED gril flashing lights and a LED Bar on the roof. Yellow car and on the back: Convoi exceptionnel Any example images: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/euro-truck-simulator-2/images/5/5b/Ets2_Volkswagen_Transporter_Special.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20180325083512 Why should it be added?: I miss when we transport huge machines or heavy machines a GOOD escort van. I know we got the skoda but here in the Netherlands we only have vans that are always yellow with stickers on them: Convoi exceptionnel. And mayby more people will buy Patron to use this car ?
  5. I am looking forward to the new Duisburg, and thank you for your hard work, indeed the CD road is still as busy as before. Hope these problems will be improved
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