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Veteran Driver II
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About JelkoBG

  • Birthday January 17

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  • Interests
    Sim racing
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Bulgaria: Sofia
  • Known languages
    Bulgarian and English

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  1. JelkoBG

    Low fps

    Hello, @Polyxena , I fixed the problem.
  2. JelkoBG

    Low fps

    Hello, @mexiumut I know its normal to drop fps but why my gpu usage drops to ~35%.
  3. JelkoBG

    Low fps

    When there are no people my gpu is on 100% load and game runs with 80fps but when i go to city like calais my game runs with max 15fps and gpu load is ~ 35%. My gpu is RX480 4GB. Any idea how to fix?
  4. Thank you for the Follow :HaulieLove: @JelkoBG

  5. Hello Polyxena, question is answered.
  6. I found that it is called motion blur but I don't know with program need to made it.
  7. Hello, how I can make effect of moving truck in photo and with which program to make it ?
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