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Veteran Driver VII
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About DaveTrain99

  • Birthday 07/05/1999

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hamilton vic Australia
  • Interests
    Anything on wheels trucks trains tractors oh and girls :P
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    • Happy birthday! Wishing you a new beginning for every day and a happy ending for every night. ?


    Kind regards...




  1. Suggestion Name Better road network for Rotterdam and EP Suggestion Description Why not in edit the map and ad a better road system like what they have in Promods Any example images Why should it be added? It would help with traffic flow and there would be a lot less accidents [sorry for my bad English]
  2. Yeah just what the title said
  3. This is so funny i don't know what to say just watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF-AKGArKf4 (edit don't know how to insert a video if some can tell me how that would be much appreciated)
  4. I don't know what you are talking about explain it better.
  5. Thanks mate look so cool
  6. Looks good
  7. Hi i like is to know if i can still get on the old forums
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