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Status Updates posted by Snowpocalypse_

  1. Congrats mane :HaulieExcited:

    1. LimeUnlimited


      Thank you! Congrats to yourself as well! 🥳

  2. I just started! Why you gotta retire?! 😭

    1. [OBL] - ZachTheCanadian

      [OBL] - ZachTheCanadian


      Congrats on getting in finally bro! Don't worry I didn't leave for negative reasons I would have stayed if I could but just don't have the amount of time I feel is required of me in order to give the community the experience they deserve and I'd rather a new face (such as yourself) take my role and create amazing memories!! I'll always keep it in the back of my mind and if I ever feel time is right again I'll inquire on returning. I encourage everyone to at least give it one shot, it's truly a blast being part of the team! 

      Best of luck with your TMP journey, enjoy it to the fullest! 

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