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CDR - Lobo do Oriente

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by CDR - Lobo do Oriente

  1. Happy birthday friend, may you achieve all your goals and keep on achieving your ideas, happy holidays

  2. Have a good Sunday, everyone

  3. Have a good weekend, everyone, and have fun!

  4. Boa tarde a todos e bom começo de semana!

  5. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703755023594815528/1089891295436230676/ets2_20230204_204803_00.png, Always acting and giving assistance, guaranteeing that everything happens safely, our group is always at the disposal of the players.

  6. Bom dia á todos, e que tenham um bom começo de semana

  7. Bom começo de semana á todos

  8. Bom começo de semana á todos

  9. Bom dia á todos e bom final de semana!

  10. Bom começo de semana a todos.

  11. Bom dia e um bom começo de semana á todos.

  12. Mais um comboio legal amanha hein pessoal, nao percam.

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