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Veteran Driver IV
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About NorgePlayzYT

  • Birthday 04/07/1997

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  1. Happy Birthday! 🎂

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday 🎂

  4. Happy birthday! 🎂

  5. Happy Birthday! ??

  6. Yes my question has been answered, @Stubborn__
  7. I know the developer is trying to add a new update, but when will it be available on the newer version of ETS2?
  8. I've figure it out. The game controllers was turned off for this game. I have no idea why but I'm glad I've fixed
  9. I checked my controllers on EST2. Everything should be correct
  10. In singleplayer so I am able to use controller, but not in multiplayer. Anyone knows what's the issues? I'm using Steam Controller
  11. Where I can get Winter Deck Wheel? It's so slippery and I can't find out how to upgrade wheel
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