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Everything posted by Ratcho

  1. v1.1.1 has been released (2020-06-20) Added Added the ability to get player's Discord Snowflake Added the ability to get the color of player's group Changed Updated all dependencies v1.2.0 has been releasd (2020-07-18) Added Added if the player is a staff member and/or is part of upper staff Added the ability to get the users Patreon information. Changed Updated composer dependencies Changed the test names to include underscores - this makes the names slightly easier to read
  2. v1.1.0 has been released Added Added the ability to get the companies validation status (i.e. if they are validated or not) (#17) Changed Cleaned up the project by adding missing documentation, return types and spacing within PHPDocs (#17) Changed StyleCI and tests to test against PSR12 (#17) Updated composer dependencies (#17)
  3. v1.0.4 has been released which fixes loading guzzlehttp/guzzle if the initial project does not use it.
  4. What an amazing community to be part of and such an amazing achievement! ?



  5. v1.0.3 has been released Added Added .gitattributes (#16) Changed Replaced the build status badge with Github actions/workflow instead of Travis CI in readme.md (#16)
  6. The TruckersMP PHP library provides a convenient way to access the TruckersMP API from applications written in the PHP language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for each API endpoint to get the data as a collection or model. You can find the source code on GitHub and view the package on Packagist. Installation For installation instructions, please refer to the Installation & Usage page of the Wiki. Documentation You can find the documentation by visiting the Wiki on GitHub. Example Below is an example of how you can get the name of a player using the client. <?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); $client = new TruckersMP\APIClient\Client(); $player = $client->player(28159)->get(); echo 'The players name is ' . $player->getName(); For those of you who currenly use the API Client, a new major version was released today (24th December 2019).
  7. Another couple of suggestions. Libraries https://inertiajs.com/ - a way to build single-page apps, without building an API. Training https://laracasts.com/ - expert screencasts on Laravel, Vue, and so much more.
  8. If you’ve never heard of it or never used it, why not also check out Trucky Events, a new home for multiplayer events and convoys.
  9. Template Suggestion: Tailwind CSS - https://tailwindcss.com. A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
  10. Thank you for the quick notice. It's good to see that TruckersMP take security seriously and inform there users of issues as soon as they are informed, even if they aren't directly linked with their services but could effect users within the community
  11. Nice work, this will make a huge difference
  12. Good job, thank you
  13. Great job and thank you.
  14. Once again an amazing job thank you and keep up the good work!
  15. You could try using the the SCS SDK, not sure if it will provide you with all the information you need, but it's probably best to use it rather than accessing the memory to retrieve the data. More information can be found here: http://blog.scssoft.com/2015/02/a-look-on-technical-side-telemetry-sdk.html https://github.com/nlhans/ets2-sdk-plugin https://github.com/Funbit/ets2-sdk-plugin
  16. Thank you.
  17. If you are talking about advertising your VTC under the companies topic on the forum. Yes, you will need a working website. Steam isn't allowed. You can find out more information and requirements here:
  18. Although it would be nice, they would have to be careful with the ETS and ATS logo. I have been in contact with the CEO of SCS Software before regarding the logo on merchandise and they didn't allow it. Might be different as it's a bigger but would be worth checking first But overall I think it's a good idea.
  19. Thank you @I<3VODKA for everything you have done for this community. Best of luck with the future :) 

  20. Can't wait, should be good fun
  21. As @Bomlife showed above. Using date() will allow you to return the time, you could also then return other values such as the year, day, date etc via the same function by changing the values to return in the first parameter of date(). A list of parameters can be found here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  22. Yes that's correct.
  23. @fabrice to access the ETS2Map API. You need to visit http://tracker.ets2map.com/doko/{id} you can then view information about the user, in your case you will be able to detect if the user is online or offline. If you are offline the API should return this:
  24. Good job, once again! Keep up the good work.
  25. What an amazing milestone, congrats guys and thank you for everything you've done.
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