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Veteran Driver IV
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Status Updates posted by ash.exe

  1. Is it possible to request a discussion to be closed assuming the person requesting is the author of the discussion?


    A reply to this post would be appreciated. 

  2. Little rant for today but while I don't see anything wrong with overtaking in general, is it hard to wait for traffic to clear before overtaking?!? 



  3. Decided to start ATS from scratch with absolutely no save edited money. And I'm starting from Albuquerque:


  4. Good morning from Frankfurt Services!


  5. As a headphone user myself, I find it very annoying when people spam/hold the horn button. I could try reducing the volume but then I won't be able to hear music and any other truckers who wish to sound their horn to alert them of their positions. The horn is not intended to show your anger to other drivers. If you do find yourself spamming the horn, kindly stop doing that, unless it is absolutely necessary. It is not very nice on our ears.


    Thank you

  6. Back on ATS after a while:


  7. In an alternate universe, what if American Truck Simulator was more popular than Euro Truck Sim

  8. So I've restarted both my ATS and ETS2 profile. So far I've managed to purchase a truck in ETS2. Hopefully I'll be able to get the Prime Livery in soon.


  9. nub.


    thanks for the follow!! 😄 

  10. Took me about 3 hours and 4 fuel stops, but I finally arrived at Kirkness from London with very minimal damage. Good night everyone ?


  11. thanks for the follow! ?


  12. Smol Truck! 


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