Community Answers
Inklink's post in Economy reset in-game console was marked as the answer
Hello @Razorev,
I may be mistaken but the economy reset should be allowed in-game as it does not affect any players other than you. Another solution for your no jobs problem may be to teleport to a garage, or F7 works too I think. That's what works for me all the time. Maybe that is a better solution for you.
Kind regards,
- Inklink
(Event Team)
Inklink's post in Cant click on cb radio was marked as the answer
Hello again @Steve Miller,
You can also use a command in the chat to toggle the CB on/off. To toggle the radio on/off you simply type: "/channel - (0 = Deactivated)". You can look at it for yourself if you want here:
I hope this is a way for you to fix it.
Kind regards,
- Inklink
(Event Team)