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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Sala296

  1. Anyone have a clue how to setup a cronjob on versio-webhosting. I set it up, but it wont work, and I know that there's nothing wrong with the PHP script...

    1. Kat_pw
    2. Sala296


      @Kat_pw Hey thanks for trying to help, I contacted the help desk, and they said `wait a minute, we'll fix it`, and so they did, but they've chose to use wget, and send the output to /dev/null

      Kind of disappointing that we cant get the script to run through command line PHP, but hey ho; I'll check the script, to see if anything there prevents successful command line usage. I'm not gonna fiddle, cos I shouldn't be trying to fix something that ain't broken :D

  2. Money; The cause of everything great, and the cause of everything evil!

    1. Creatured


      but iam not evil (not all the time atleast :P )

    2. HeyI'mAmethyst


      The cause of new gaming PCs and starvation...

  3. Are you uppdating the servers or something, I keep geting loads of different errors?!?

    1. Sala296


      I dont know what it was, but a reinstall fixed it all. Anyway a new computer would be amazing, minimum graphics and only 30FPS... need I say more?

  4. So glad that my new laptop has better graphics, can finally play ETS2 on graphics better than LOWEST! + I get decent FPS :)

    1. Tandre


      f you want FPS, why do you buy a laptop? :P

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