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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by SprinterFS

  1. Please also see if rain texture is wrong in singleplayer. I doubt that it's your graphics settings.
  2. Reported before. Moved to "Won't fix" under "Website" bug reports since the first reports have been declined. Closed.
  3. ^ You can upload the video to YouTube, and link the video here so we can view.
  4. Moved to Russian discussion. To request for help in the main forums, please use English. Thank you!
  5. I think this has been reported before. You can search related topics to find solutions. Moved to Help.
  6. Moved to help. I think this is because a broken local file in your MP mod. Please test if single player works fine. If problem is only with MP, you can uninstall your MP mod and download it again.
  7. Moved to Help. Ping jump is an issue -- You can keep your tab menu opened, and read the ping value every few seconds. Usually, a ping jump can take your ping to thousands before you get kicked. To solve this issue, please make sure you don't have anyone sharing your network, and you have stopped all downloading/uploading processes.
  8. @YkaroDid you translate the quote or use automatic translation tools in your browser? After all I don't think the forum itself has a built-in translation feature.
  9. Moved to help. So the problem might come from your ETS2 game files, not the MP mod. You can try to check integrity of game cache (found in steam), or remove the ETS2 files and download/install again.
  10. Also not working for me. Moved to "Website" and waiting for fixes.
  11. When talking, you should notice a small speaker icon appearing on the corner of your screen. That means you are talking. If you are not on the same channel with other users, you will not be heard. Moved to Help.
  12. Problem might happen if your download was interrupted, or you downloaded the mod from unofficial hosts. Please remove the empty folder, and download the mod on TruckersMP official website. Moved to Help.
  13. Moved to help. You should be able to toggle it on/off in tab menu. Please also provide larger screenshot.
  14. 原文: TruckersMP软件开发人员kat_pw. 翻译: SprinterFS 未经允许严禁以任何形式复制或转载本译文. 大家好: 首先,无论大家选择以何种方式庆祝圣诞和新年,我们在这里祝大家节日快乐! 第二,我们很高兴地宣布我们已经正式计划将我们的联机模组应用于《美国卡车模拟》! 然而,我们不会很快就完成这项计划。我们需要准备并区分这两部游戏之间的代码,以使我们的联机模组能够兼容《美国卡车模拟》。我们必须面对的一个问题是:SCS只会发行《美国卡车模拟》的64位版本。在我写下本文的时候,欧卡联机模组的编码只支持《欧洲卡车模拟2》的32位版本。因此,我们将会把我们的工作重心完全转移至对64位版本的支持上来,并且放弃对32位版本的支持:同时支持32位和64位两个版本会使我们的工作量加倍,而且等到《美国卡车模拟》发售后,情况会更加严重。 不久之后支持1.22版本的联机模组将会发行,并支持32位版本的《欧洲卡车模拟2》。在此之后和《美国卡车模拟》发售之前,我们将会开始64位版本的开发工作。一旦64位版本的模组开发完成,我们将会开放对该模组程序的下载。64位版本的模组可能不是很稳定,但是我们希望有条件的玩家尽量使用新模组——因此我们才能确保完全准备好用以支持《美国卡车模拟》的数据库。在《美国卡车模拟》发售之后,我们将努力开发联机模组并尽早发布。同时,如果《欧洲卡车模拟2》有更新放出,我们将仅发布64位版本的联机模组。 我们理解这将会给那些没有64位操作系统的玩家带来不便。然而,为了让我们能够支持《美国卡车模拟》并提升联机模组的性能,我们必须现在做出改变。
  15. 大家好, 最新版本已经发布! 更新日志: 新增了语音聊天。(工作原理与车台相同,你可以与附近的玩家进行对讲聊天) 修复了游戏崩溃的错误; * 注:在游戏中按V键以激活麦克风并讲话。如需调频或开关对讲机,请打开Tab菜单,点击鼠标右键激活光标,并点击车台上的按钮。车台设备安装在卡车内饰。[视频讲解] 译者注:视频来自YouTube. 中国大陆用户请使用VPN以正常浏览。 祝各位驾驶愉快! 原作者:mwl4 翻译:SprinterFS
  16. Moved to Help. ATS has higher hardware requirements than ETS2, so it's normal if you have lower fps or other performance in ATS. Please also check if the same issue happens in single player mode as well, or not. Spawning large number of trucks at a same time can also cause freeze issues. If your game do freeze only when you approach some area with heavy traffic, it's normal. Please just keep an eye on your mirrors and make sure no one is driving fast behind you. You can also change your truck to some other models if you are driving a Kenworth W900. This truck itself can lower up to 10 fps.
  17. ^ Closing. Moved to Solved.
  18. ^ If 20,000 is small enough to be pointless, I would never come out with this suggestion or do all my tests. Yes: Twenty Thousand, and the actual number should only be more than this number. The largest Chinese ETS2 Forum has over 40,000 registered users. Assume that around 1/3 of them are MP players, that's somewhere over 10,000 players. Also, there are thousands of players from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Thailand --- None of their languages are supported in MP. Also, I don't think cool usernames a bad thing. For showing off -- Why not? It's actually a good thing w The in-game and web report systems are based on a fixed player id number, so there's basically nothing to do with usernames when it comes to administration issues.
  19. Topic inactive. Locked & Archived.
  20. To make MP fully functional, you need your own truck. This can also be done by downloading a save file. Moved to Help.
  21. Hello, Please check the tab menu. There is also an option to enable/disable the speed limiter, so if you don't want the limiter, please make sure you have disabled both options in tab menu and game menu. Freight market is always kind of problematic. You can always quick travel to any of your garage to solve this problem. Moved to Help.
  22. Moved to Russian Discussions. Please use English in main forums.
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