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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Calhon

  1. Anyone remember how to get a white Aria livestock trailer? I completely forgot how to get one...

  2. I have somehow forgotten, how on earth to set the forum username? Anyone able to help?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Calhon


      Uhm! There it is.. lol? I hadn't change anything?

    3. KrazyMudkip
    4. Calhon


      Hhaha, thanks 

  3. Anyone interested in doing a voiceover for me? If so, message me please.

  4. Anyone know of any good Australian VTC's?

    1. _Ben
    2. Guest


      Nah, sorry.

    3. MrHarv98


      SFH has newly launched a Australian division and on the other hand we have the old HHA Heavy Haulage Australia which is good enough too if you are looking for a pure Australian VTC

    1. Calhon


      EuroTruckRadio 24 Hour Convoy Footage

  5. Tennis... For the 3rd day..

  6. Playing ETS2MP and checking forums :D

  7. Ugh, gotta go and play tennis at 8:30... AM! -_- lemme sleep

  8. Help section of forum..

  9. Food, gaming, checking forum

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