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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About FernandaTrans

  • Birthday 01/18/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Improve my knowledge of trucks more and more
    Dispute Trucksbook and ETSFS Ranking
    Make new friends and have fun simulating the Game
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages
    English, Portuguese and Spanish

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  1. Available only for Euro truck? or is it also available for American Truck?
  2. The "REAL OPERATIONS" event should also be introduced in the ATS American Truck. thus motivating the players who prefer the ats to participate and feel the excitement of this wonderful event that the Trucksmp team offers to the players. Congratulations to all the TrucksMP team for their dedication and hard work to keep our fun.
  3. Hi Fernanda *v*


    Are you the friend of JF Transportes' ScobraBR who joined the discord a few months ago?



    1. FernandaTrans


      Hi "bode" :D 

      It's a pleasure to see you here 



      Sweet Kisses :* 

    2. Bode Preto

      Bode Preto

      Perdão por ter mandado a msg em inglês kkkkk não foi pra eu me mostrar não eim uaheuaheuahe. 


      Como aqui no forum a maioria fala em inglês, eu já tava no embalo ^^


      Grande Beijo! :P

  4. Thank you for following  me. :wub::)

  5. Thank you for your attention.:wub:

    1. Dziada


      Thank you for the follow!

    2. FernandaTrans
  6. Another Day of Anxiety for Oregon Launch News :rolleyes:

  7. I'm looking forward to this new event Thanks to all the team that dedicated to carry out this event for the players of ETS2 and ATS <3
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