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i z m

Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by i z m

  1. Welcome back @Scania LTD l Hyperion ! Great to see you again. ^_^

    1. Broker


      Whats the point to leave and come back after 1 week ?

    2. Darkstar.


      10 days actually and i had was working away for 9 days and was expecting to be away for 14-21 day came back early so rejoined


    3. Broker


      Well why can't just tell your Leader that you are leaving for that time ?

  2. Happy birthday Aestrial! ^_^

  3. Thank you for your service! ^_^

    Good luck for the future, kindest regards... 

  4. Good night truckersmp! ^_^

    1. Ykaro


      hi, good night for you :)

  5. Tebrikler! truckersMP ekibinde Türk sayısının arttığını görmek gerçekten çok hoş. Yeni görevinde başarılar dilerim. :) 

    1. -VOYVODA-


      çok tesekkur ederim :) ınsallah hep bırlıkte daha guzel olur her sey

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