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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by SeRGiOPaOk4

  1. It's a sync problem, in SP the time passes by when you are on on the other hand in MP time is always ticking so you can't sync your save to MP because every time you are going online the time is different.
  2. Which value have you set on your scaling?
  3. check line 4 you have R3
  4. Update your launcher the current version of MultiPlayer is 0.1.5 R5 and you have R3
  5. in other words you can't sync your time in game with server's time it's not posible if you want money do fast travels so the time pass by and get some.
  6. if they desynced is really hard to sync them you can try to sleep or make some fast travels so the time pass by and pay the loan or you can pay it all together.
  7. there is no way to sync single game profile to multiplayer so no..
  8. the config that is in your profile not in the main folder
  9. You are not banned, the minute you stay connected try to check your ping if it's more than 600ms
  10. I will lock it because every here we are asuming i will inform someone to review this and give a final answer
  11. yes you can only change default trailers between the trucks
  12. The answer is already here please search the forums before you apply for help Locked.
  13. You can't activate one key on two accounts even if they are in family sharing that's why he can't activate it I believe you got your answer it's not working on the second account with family sharing Locked
  14. As far as you don't change the game files it's ok with the community you can have them half/half
  15. why you need that mod? maybe there are some programs that could help. doesn't have to be a mod. be specific
  16. This is the launcher icon here a usefull topic for new players http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/158-how-to-get-started-in-multiplayer-with-mods-tips/
  17. pretty weird usually AV thing most of the times works, try sending a ticket to support
  18. As stated above you can always use the report section right here always by following format that has been given to you. Nothing more to say topic Locked.
  19. Have you tried turning off you Anti-virus before installing it?
  20. So your problem is that you can't listen it from in-game?
  21. Ιndifference of the author. Locked.
  22. Send a ticket guys http://ets2mp.com/support/
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