Before I start this post, I'd like to alert everyone that these screenshots do contain bad language.
Suggestion Name: Stop putting videos from reports in ban reasons.
Suggestion Description: Due to the fact that admins are showing who got a person banned, those who were banned have been going to these videos and leaving very disrespectful remarks towards the reporter. This should not be tolerated nor allowed within the Truckers MP community. That is why I am motioning that admins should not be allowed to expose videos from reports unless allowed or stated otherwise by the reporters. It's very annoying that you try and help out the community by getting trolls banned, and you are met by these disrespectful remarks due to the fact that admins release the videos without permission from the reporters. Many arguments have broken out between companies due to these videos. In the effort to make Truckers MP a safter and friendlier community for all, I'd like that no videos in reports be exposed by the staff unless specific permission is given from the creator of the video.
Any example images:
Why should it be added?: Refer to the Description.