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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by JR-ICBM*VN.

  1. Ngay lúc này, Tuyến Oslo trong trạng thái khẩn cấp  

  2. Xin Chào 


    Tôi đến Từ Châu Á

  3. Xin chao, Anh nhớ tôi không 

    Hi Hello admin 

  4. You can create 0 more reports, 16 max

    My job in the game is to report the game, I can not keep on reporting, It was MAX, long waiting time

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      @The reporter


      but i suggest you to care about yourself first before coming to care about others

    3. JR-ICBM*VN.
  5. Người lái xe Tải, ưu tiên Police ETS2

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