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Bricycle The Unicorn

Veteran Driver VII
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About Bricycle The Unicorn

  • Birthday 06/25/2001

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    Simulation games
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  1. Best way to start is to modify your money this could be done with 'Cheat Engine' or modifying your files as not all players abide by the rules so your vehicles may be damaged very fast. Now the next decision you will have is if you want to abide by the rules. After this decide if you want to be a lone driver or join a convoy. ( I would suggest C.T.L as a great starting convoy to join very welcoming ) Good luck!
  2. So I want to get some tuning and Paint job DLCs... are all DLCs working on multiplayer for ETS2?
  3. I love the idea of this honestly but it would take a lot of thought before implementing as you don't fully want to steal the IGA's job. +1
  4. Just look at my last comment on this and that will partially explain it basically
  5. What I think he means is like I said he wants other people in game called 'Helper' and these people will help control the roads since the IGA's cant really do that as one person. One of his examples was blocking which makes the influx of traffic go somewhere else which could cause less traffic and crashes
  6. ^ I understand what you mean but Pilot skins are used in some convoys or players to help control convoys so if someone sees a Pilot they are aware that there is potentially a convoy up ahead.
  7. I think hes suggesting another staff ranking like Admins but called Helpers to help control the traffic when it is very heavy at Calais and Duisburg.
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