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Veteran Driver VI
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Status Updates posted by IpilkAlaus

  1. Ah, feels good to be back on the road! Just did a trip from Marseille to Gdansk - really love doing these long long trips :D 

  2. Finally back after what felt like ages....

  3. Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same.

    1. Smalley


      Keane- Everybody's changing 

  4. Just did a trip Southampton - Lyon - Szeged - Lodz. Feeling slightly tired, but it was a good run to finish off the day.

  5. Starting a new job tomorrow. I hope this goes well *excited and nervous at the same time*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Funkenstein


      Great to hear that, must be the hard work passing the hours by hehe :) Planning on building a career up within that rank (for example master chief or waiter) or just a temporarily sidejob? 

    3. stilldre1976


      @aleksandraszilys glad to hear it went well :) 

    4. IpilkAlaus


      @Pomerov well, as I will be here (UK) for university for two more years at least I see this job as a way of supporting myself (rent, food, etc.). Who knows, maybe I will.

      Thanks, guys.

  6. Alan Wilson. You are..pathetic. I saw you ramming people and driving on the wrong side of the road on the C-D road. Btw that color does NOT go with skoda.

  7. RIP Chester Bennington.. may you and Chris and others rock out in heaven

  8. Yo how do you like the new doubles/triples?

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