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Retired Team Member
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Everything posted by Owen.

  1. Hola albertbrun! Hablo un poco de Español pero la traducción de google es mi amigo ? Debe asegurarse de que su orden de carga de mod esté vacía porque TruckersMP cargará las promods por sí mismo. Asegúrese de que tampoco tiene otras versiones de promods en su carpeta de mods. ¡Espero que esto ayude y solucione su problema! Espero que lo que dije tenga sentido, aprendí la mayor parte de mi español en la escuela.
  2. If you've played on the #TMP6 Freeroam server recently and have used the police car that will be your issue. You will need to log onto that server and either remove the police accessories or change your current vehicle to something without the disallowed accessories. You could also do this in single player too. Hope this fixes your problem
  3. Congrats :D 

    1. Smalley


      Thank you ❤️ 

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you had/have a good day :D 

  5. I think it would be a nice addition for sure! However, in highly populated areas it'll cause great amounts of lag so maybe shorten the phrase to dots like a previous comment so that it's not going to cause too many issues. Other than that, I support the suggestion. It'll help clarify why some people aren't moving and may even lead to less useless reports for GMs to deal with. I can see many benefits as long as the disadvantages are solved.
  6. Here's a quote I thought I'd share. Might start doing this more often. 


    "If people are doubting how far you can go. Go so far that you can't hear them anymore." ~ Michele Ruiz


    Believe in yourself ;) 

  7. Love the expansion on the car. It's much needed in my opinion. I agree with your idea of variation on the roads, as much as people use the cars to troll, they can also use trucks in the same way. I see no negative to expanding on the car and making it more customizable. Hope at least some of your mentioned features are added
  8. Thanks for the follow ❤️ 

  9. Owen.

    Thanks for the follow ❤️ 

    1. Chev


      No problem. Thank you! ❤️

  10. Welcome back :D Congratulations to you!

    1. Truckerpilot


      Thanks ❤️ feels good to be back

    2. Owen.


      No worries! See you around :)

  11. Congratulations! :D 

  12. I regret the 4x2 ??


  13. Welcome back :) 

  14. Congratulations :D 

  15. Congratulations ?

    1. Andreas


      Thank you! ?

  16. @LaxZ You should be proud of the video! It's really good.


    Keep up the good work :D 

  17. Thought I'd see what all the fuss is about ?


  18. Locked and loaded ?


  19. Congratulations for all you have done over the years
  20. Attending the festival today for #TMP6 It was fun! We weren't there for the full run and decided to go on a quick convoy on Simulation 1. Although, it was a great experience :D 


  21. Did everyone have a good week? Exam prep is ruining me xd

  22. I've played with Promods on single-player for over a year and most of it I have spent in the western areas (mainly in the UK and western edges of Europe) and I love it. I especially like the roads in Wales and Scotland where they are quite realistic yet not super challenging. Overall, every place in Promods is worth a visit!
  23. Evening people, how are we all?

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