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Veteran Driver IV
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About teasedragon

  • Birthday 02/20/1993

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    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
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  1. In my opinion; people who aren't leading a convoy cannot drive or buy cars.

    Who likes cars in ETS2? They do nothing, they dont add anything to the game.

    plus; everyone who drives a car in the game, is always speeding. Its getting ridiculous.


    1. Leff12345


      Well, EU1 is then the answer.


      Many people do like the cars (hence why there are so many of them), and it's just to report those who brake the rules, wether they're in a car or not.

      It can be frustrating sometimes, but remember, it's not the cars, it's the individual players who brake rules who are at the wrong. And it doesn't really help talking about it because as mentioned, EU1 exists.


      In my opinion, I think the cars add a different perspective for trucks were they pretty much seem much bigger. And cars do also replace the AI in a way (in both visual and acting :P), and I think only having trucks around you would be more boring. But that's just my opinion.


      But in the end, cars would most likely not get removed because of EU1, and that lots of effort and time (several years) got put into it.

    2. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      i used the car before but  i am a slow and careful driver. 


      if you see players braking rules  you can always report them with evidence  in the report system  link down below 





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