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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Twitch.TV/Drift_AZ

  1. ats convoy starts at 8am my time lol but the truck will be fueled and loaded and ready and ill be fueled up on gfuel
  2. sweet can't wait ill be there for the ats convoy
  3. yep counting down the time till it starts lol
  4. @GazGuitar mp does work fyi was just on
  5. when did they update? cause i played it thursday
  6. 2am my time guess ill be staying up all night. glad im calling in tomorrow lol
  7. im going to try and be there. its on my bday so im hoping i can make it
  8. wish it was on a saturday so i could attend i work on sunday
  9. going to try my hardest to be there for this and to stream it.
  10. no its cause of the new chassis texture. i looked at what it says
  11. i shouldnt have to download a chassis mod to play when its in the game
  12. guys i looked at the notes for the crash it says missing chassis texture the new chassis arent in Mp so if u go near someone with it u crash
  13. k sounds good if u guys wanna join us that day u can is there a admin on ats rite now my buddy is having problems with 2 guys that are ramming and blocking. if there is can u contact me
  14. hey admins hows it going? just a heads up me and my buddy are setting up a convoy this wed the 14th for a all day convoy. we are expecting alot of people as we are going to have a few twitch streams. this will be on the us ATS server. would there be away to get ahold of 1 of u incase we have any troubles?
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